How did menstruation become taboo?

A look at the historical roots and theories behind menstrual stigma

Anna Druet
Clued In


Why don’t we call menstruation by its name? Euphemisms serve a purpose. They give us words to talk about things that are considered culturally taboo. The impact of typical menstrual taboos is clear: they can lead to significant challenges in menstrual management, adverse reproductive health outcomes, social ostracizing, disease, and even death.

Menstruation stigma is a form of misogyny. Negative taboos condition us to understand menstrual function as something to be hidden, something shameful. And by not naming a thing, we reinforce the idea that the thing should not be named.

But have periods always needed code words? Where did these words come from, and how did they come about? Were periods always considered a negative experience?

Menstrual euphemisms and taboos are old. But not all societies view menstruation negatively.

Menstrual taboos are found in the Quran:

“go apart from women during the monthly course, do not approach them until they are clean” Quran 2:222,

…the Bible:

“…in her menstrual impurity; she is unclean… whoever touches…shall be unclean and shall wash his clothes and bathe in…



Anna Druet
Clued In

Science writer, researcher. Former Science and Education Manager at @annadruet