Hello, World!

Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2017
# The traditional first post.

# Strict and warnings are recommended.
use strict;
use warnings;

# Print a message.
print "Hello, World!\n";

We decided to move our blog to Medium, so this is our “Hello, World!” in this publication.

What does it mean? Well, it means all our event announcements && event related information are going to be posted here, so make sure you follow us to get all updates.

Moreover, it’s a community blog, so we want YOU to be part of it! It’s a place for learning, growing & nurturing technical excellence! It’s above all a place for sharing.

Whether it’s a new module you’ve discovered, or how awesome a framework you’ve worked with is, share Perl best practices, found a new awesome online course, you’ve been to a conference & came home totally impressed by a state-of-the-art gadget, a talk you absolutely loved, or community-related topics, it would be lovely to read about them all!

Remember, sharing is caring, so if you think your story will be useful for the community members, we kindly ask you to publish it to Cluj.PM.

Until (y)our next post, keep calm && love Perl!




Eclectic Human🤘🏻| Proud Romanian 🇷🇴| Coffee Drinker ☕️ |📍#suntclujlasuflet | ❤ Planes, Places && People | Work w/ Perl, Python && JavaScript Communities