Introducing Clumio Engineering Blogs

Clumio Engineering
2 min readApr 8, 2022


Author: Kaustubh Patil, Co-Founder & VP of Engineering

When we founded Clumio a few years ago, we gave ourselves the challenge of building a world-class cloud-native SaaS data protection service for enterprise public cloud workloads. We set sail into uncharted waters of making the best use of public cloud (starting with Amazon Web Services) for this specific business problem. I remember, in those days our engineers used to pore over other SaaS and cloud engineering blogs to learn as much as they can about the state of the art. Over the last four and a half years we have worked long and hard to build Clumio Protect and Clumio Discover — our secure backup as a service and cloud backup optimization engine — that our customers have come to love.

The best way to use a programming language or a software platform is by studying and using their design patterns and idioms in their most fitting form. Public cloud is no different. Our engineers have learned and mastered the science (and the art) of using cloud-scale compute and storage in its true “cloudy” form — the way that the cloud is supposed to be used. We have put great effort into areas such as seamless customer on-boarding via Clumio Terraform Provider (infrastructure as code), REST APIs, innovative ways of managing backup policies, cloud-scale fast backup and recovery using thousands of AWS Lambdas running in parallel, massive ease of debuggability using carefully designed workflow engine and many others. These engineering investments have made Clumio Protect and Discover the thought leaders of public cloud data protection. Back in the day, we learned from others and now the time has come for us to give our learnings back to the community and also showcase the best in class technology that our world-class engineering team has built.

With that in mind, it gives us great pleasure to introduce this Clumio engineering blog series. Each month we will have one or more blogs going into the what, why, and how of Clumio engineering — features, technologies, and processes that we build and use. We hope that other engineers can use our learnings and then this is all worth it. So here it goes — our first blog in this series — “Using Iterative Development to Release Protection Rules”.

Inspire and be inspired!


