Subirority Complex — Issue #20

Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2018

This was first published on January 26th, 2018 at Subir Mansukhani’s Mailing List, Subirority Complex.


Corporate Surveillance in Everyday Life

How Thousands of Companies Monitor, Analyze, and Influence the Lives of Billions. Report + Web Publication.

Summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy of the USA

Yann LeCun is stepping down as Facebook’s head of AI research and into a new role — Quartz

Facebook has replaced the man Mark Zuckerberg recruited to run its artificial intelligence research, filling the role with an outsider who will take a bigger role at the company as it puts more AI into its News Feed and other products. Yann LeCun, who founded Facebook’s AI Research lab (FAIR) in 2013, is stepping down…

Why I left Google to join Grab — Steve Yegge — Medium

Note: This is my first time using Medium. Please forgive any faux pas. Also, it’s pretty long even for me, so you might want to go grab a coffee. I’ll wait. Also, please note that these are my own…

Machine Learning

Reverse Curriculum Generation for Reinforcement Learning Agents — The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

Gradient descent vs. neuroevolution — Towards Data Science

In March 2017, OpenAI released a blog post on evolution strategies, an optimisation technique that has been around for several decades. The novelty of their paper was that they managed to apply the…

Where the Machines are Looking

When to trust a computer vision model.

Gleaning Insights from Uber’s Partner Activity Matrix with Genomic Biclustering and Machine Learning

Uber’s partner activity matrix leverages biclustering and machine learning to better understand the diversity of user experiences on our driver app.


Scaling Kubernetes to 2,500 Nodes

The hidden costs of serverless — A Cloud Guru

Serverless architecture is the next step in the evolution of computing power. The reasons for taking the leap are clear: Like the jump from on-premises to the cloud, the move to Serverless is more or…

Banks adopting blockchain ‘dramatically faster’ than expected: IBM | Reuters

Banks and other financial institutions are adopting blockchain technology “dramatically faster” than initially expected, with 15 percent of top global banks intending to roll out full-scale, commercial blockchain products in 2017, IBM said on Wednesday.

Why Bitcoin fears Quantum Computers — and IOTA doesn’t

If there is one thing which can cause real trouble to the whole Blockchain sphere it certainly is Quantum Computing. The new technology gives access to a lot more computing power than we have ever…




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