Subirority Complex — Issue #21

Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2018

This was first published on February 2nd, 2018 at Subir Mansukhani’s Mailing List, Subirority Complex.


As AI Makes More Decisions, the Nature of Leadership Will Change

People skills will become ever more important.

Towards a Reskilling Revolution | World Economic Forum

As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers. For companies, reskilling and upskilling strategies will be critical if they are to find the talent they need and to contribute to socially responsible approaches to the future of work. For policy-makers, reskilling and retraining the existing workforce are essential levers to fuel future economic growth, enhance societal resilience in the face of technological change and pave the way for future-ready education systems for the next generation of workers.

Artificial Intelligence: The Complete Guide | WIRED

Supersmart algorithms won’t take all the jobs, But they are learning faster than ever, doing everything from medical diagnostics to serving up ads.

A Look at the Current State of Embodied AI Companies

After a recent seminar at Stanford, I had a chat with Adj. Prof. Jerry Kaplan about artificial intelligence embodiment. The question was — who are the thinkers and companies that are really pushing…

Machine Learning

Faster R-CNN: Down the rabbit hole of modern object detection — Tryolabs Blog

Previously, we talked about object detection, what it is and how it has been recently tackled using deep learning. If you haven’t read our previous blog post, we suggest you take a look at it before continuing.
Last year, we decided to get into Faster R-CNN, reading the original paper, and all the referenced papers (and so on and on) until we got a clear understanding of how it works and how to implement it.

Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Using Embeddings

This paper was presented during the RE·WORK · Deep Learning in Retail & Advertising Summit (London). It describes the Customer Life Time Value (CLTV) prediction system deployed by, an online…

Google and Others Are Building AI Systems That Doubt Themselves — MIT Technology Review

AI will make better decisions by embracing uncertainty.

Scale-free networks are rare

How productized Bayesian revenue estimation with Stan — Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science


Apache Beam lowers barriers to entry for big data processing technologies — O’Reilly Media

The classic “write once, run everywhere” principle comes to life in streaming data.

How to make your machine learning model available as an API with the plumber package

The plumber package for R makes it easy to expose existing R code as a webservice via an API (, Trestle Technology, LLC 2017).
You take an existing R script and make it accessible with plumber by simply adding a few lines of comments. If you have worked with Roxygen before, e.g. when building a package, you will already be familiar with the core concepts. If not, here are the most important things to know:

The role of blockchain in helping organizations meet GDPR compliance | Information Management

Many have begun to consider whether the technology could be used to improve customer data management processes, as they relate to the upcoming EU mandate.

Blockchain in Your Pocket? The Phone Behind Sirin’s $157 Million ICO — CoinDesk

Quantitative Analysis of Smart Contracts

7 ways to do containers on AWS — Hacker Noon

Someone recently asked me about options and pros/cons of different ways to run containers on AWS. Once I was done explaining I thought it might make sense to write it down, maybe it’s useful for more…




4 tools & 1 service that will change the way AI is used across industries, from #fintech & #sales to #insurance & beyond! Incubated @KhoslaLabs #AI #ML #startup