Subirority Complex — Issue #24

Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2018

This was first published on February 23rd, 2018 at Subir Mansukhani’s Mailing List, Subirority Complex.


The 2018 World’s Most Innovative Companies | Fast Company

Our annual guide to the businesses that matter the most

An executive’s guide to AI | McKinsey & Company

To stay at the forefront of the accelerating artificial-intelligence race, business executives can study up on the ABCs of AI using this interactive.

Global AI Talent Pool Report — jfgagne

My company Element AI has a unique access to two of the scarcest talent
pools: World-class entrepreneurs and artificial intelligence experts. This
is where I write about an AI-First world.

Google’s AI Guru Says That Great Artificial Intelligence Must Build on Neuroscience

Two Sigma CTO Alfred Spector in Conversation with “Nautilus”

There’s a weird way in which a hedge fund is a confluence of everything. There’s the money of course — Two Sigma, located in lower…

Machine Learning

Announcing Tensor Comprehensions — Facebook Research

Today, Facebook AI Research (FAIR) is announcing the release of Tensor Comprehensions, a C++ library and mathematical language that helps bridge the gap between researchers, who communicate in terms of mathematical operations, and engineers focusing on the practical needs of running large-scale models on various hardware backends. The main differentiating feature of Tensor Comprehensions is…

A Survey Of Methods For Explaining Black Box Models

Geometry Score: A Method For Comparing Generative Adversarial Networks

How we grew from 0 to 4 million women on our fashion app, with a vertical machine learning approach

Three years ago we launched Chicisimo, our goal was to offer automated outfit advice. Today, with over 4 million women on the app, we want to share how our data and machine learning approach helped…

Making Sense of the Bias / Variance Trade-off in (Deep) Reinforcement Learning

(This post assumes some familiarity with machine learning, and reinforcement learning in particular. If you are new to RL, I’d recommend checking out a series of blog posts I wrote in 2016 on the…


How Apache Kafka Inspired Our Platform Events Architecture

There’s a class of scalability challenges that are best approached using an asynchronous, event-driven architecture — particularly when it comes to doing data integrations.

Apps, Trackers, Privacy, and Regulators A Global Study of the Mobile Tracking Ecosystem

BinaryAlert: Real-time Serverless Malware Detection

BinaryAlert is an open-source serverless malware detection framework which can analyze millions of files a day using a configurable set of YARA rules. Deploy BinaryAlert to your AWS account today!

How DNA could store all the world’s data in a semi-trailer

Scientists see capacious and stable medium as potential answer to mountains of information

Enterprise data integration with an operational data hub — O’Reilly Media

Facilitating data exchange across the enterprise.




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