Subirority Complex: Issue #25

Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2018


What does the CEO of Front do? — Mathilde Collin — Medium

At the beginning of Front, my job was to do everything that wasn’t engineering: sales, support, product management, hiring, marketing, etc. We were small enough that everyone could literally see my…

The 5 Things Your AI Unit Needs to Do

Which ones do you need to improve on?

Why A.I. Researchers at Google Got Desks Next to the Boss — The New York Times

At Google, Facebook and other tech companies, executives are making statements about priorities with their seating charts.

Small cities face greater impact from automation | Journal of The Royal Society Interface

The city has proved to be the most successful form of human agglomeration and provides wide employment opportunities for its dwellers. As advances in robotics and artificial intelligence revive concerns about the impact of automation on jobs, a question looms:

Visit Careers @ https://www.Clutch.AI


Visualizing Deep Learning Models at Facebook

This post summarizes the latest joint research between researchers at Georgia Tech and Facebook on using visualization to make sense of deep learning models, published at IEEE VIS’17, a top visualization conference. While powerful deep learning models have significantly improved prediction accuracy, understanding these models remains a big challenge. Deep learning models are more difficult…

Deep learning for biology

A popular artificial-intelligence method provides a powerful tool for surveying and classifying biological data. But for the uninitiated, the technology poses significant difficulties.

Is Apple’s AI Progress Stifled by Privacy Ambitions?

Apple is known for their firm stance the preservation of their customers’ privacy, but could it become a hindrance to their AI development goals? According to MIT Technology Review’s San Francisco bureau chief Tom Simonite, the company’s philosophy surrounding privacy might become a stumbling block to their AI goals.

Learning Word Vectors for 157 Languages

Distributed word representations, or word vectors, have recently been applied to many tasks in natural language processing, leading to state-of-the-art performance. A key ingredient to the successful application of these representations is to train them on very large corpora, and use these pre-trained models in downstream tasks.

Interpretable Machine Learning through Teaching

We’ve designed a method that encourages AIs to teach each other with examples that also make sense to humans. Our approach automatically selects the most informative examples to teach a concept — for instance, the best images to describe the concept of dogs — and experimentally we found our approach to be effective at


DevOps on Graphs: The 5-Minute Interview with Ashley Sun, Software Engineer at LendingClub

Catch this week’s 5-Minute Interview with Ashley Sun, Software Engineer at LendingClub, as she discusses using Neo4j as the basis for DevOps and dependency management for all of the microservices, deployment automation, release automation and cloud orchestration in the LendingClub infrastructure.

Inching closer to a DNA-based file system | Ars Technica

Microsoft and UW add the concept of random access to files stored in DNA.

Serious quantum computers are finally here. What are we going to do with them?

Inside a small laboratory in lush countryside about 50 miles north of New York City, an elaborate tangle of tubes and electronics dangles from the ceiling. This mess of equipment is a computer. Not just any computer, but one on the verge of passing what may, perhaps, go down as one of the most important milestones in the history

Production Recommendation Systems with Cloudera — Cloudera Engineering Blog

Many types of business problems boil down to making recommendations, and machine learning is the special sauce that makes these problems solvable. Machine learning for recommendations is a challenging endeavor in its own right, but

Russell Cohen | Maximize Cache Performance with this One Weird Trick: An Introduction to Cache-Oblivious Data Structures

If you read my recent post about Postgres you may have noted that Postgres operates primarily with fixed-size blocks of memory called “pages.” By default, Postgres pages are 8KB. This number is tuned to match operating system page sizes which




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