2015 ASCMC Election Results Are In

by The Forum

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CMC Forum


On Tuesday, March 3rd, ASCMC held its elections for the new ASCMC board, including President, both Vice President positions, the revamped DAC position, and class presidents. For a full list of the candidates and their statements, see here.

There were a total of 584 ballots cast out of 1290 sent for school-wide positions (45.3% turnout).

Here are the winners for each race followed by the percentage of the vote they won…

President: Will Su ’16 (90%)

Executive Vice President: Iris Liu ’16 (93%)

Vice President of Student Activities: Christine Horne ’17 (52%)

Dorm Affairs Chair: Nicky Blumm ‘17 (60%)

Class of 2016 President: Kathryn Chakmak ’16 (79%)

Class of 2017 President: Kris Brackmann ’17 (87%)

Class of 2018 President: Russell Salazar (1st round: 47%; 2nd round: 47%; 3rd round: 50%)



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