5 Benefits of Going to Design Conferences

Erica Cotten
Published in
6 min readJun 26, 2017
Creative South 2017, Columbus, GA (Photo by Bright Light Media)

I attended my first ever design conference (or conference in general) in April of 2016. It was Creative South: a four-day event in Columbus, GA focused on the idea of building lasting relationships. It was an event I got to experience with some of my closest friends and it opened my eyes to new friendships, ideas and techniques.

Going into my first conference, I had expected to have some good southern comfort food, maybe drink some Southern Comfort and hopefully hear some talks that I could pull value from. What I left with was: a picture with Aaron Draplin, 30+ new friends that I needed to stay in touch with, a couple amazing DKNG posters, and knowledge that could not have been learned anywhere else.

Here are 5 ways that conferences benefited me and could benefit you.

Grow a Network

Networking is incredibly important to success in most industries, design included and conferences allow for that networking to happen more easily. With common ground, we can connect with each other on a new level much quicker.

Most people have a difficult time walking up to strangers and introducing themselves. When you’re at a conference, you already have an icebreaker; you already have something in common. Walk up, smile and make a joke about the stock photography on the signage nearby.

One reason I love networking at cons is because I feel understood. I have thoughts like, “Wow! Other people feel this way, too?!” Being understood is a natural human need. Being in a place where everyone else has the same passion and similar thoughts is an easy way to feel accepted.

Inspire Creativity

As creatives, we all thrive on inspiration. When you’re surrounded by those who eat, sleep and breathe their creative field, inspiration is bound to spark.

Conferences almost always come with lectures from industry thought leaders. If you’re fortunate enough, you will be able to see one of your idols speak about their experiences. This is something that I find inspires me. The easiest way to realize that success can happen is to learn that your heroes have come from a similar place.

Confirmed: [insert hero here] is a normal person with a normal family who just likes art.

Also, it’s incredible how a new location, culture and type of people can inspire. My first conference was in the great state of Georgia. I had never been there before and the hospitality blew me away. As a New Yorker, the cynic in me was quite confused and yet oddly pleased. The unfamiliar smells, sights and sounds of a new place invigorate your creativity.

Sharpen Design Skills

We all want to make sure we’re getting something out of a conference, usually so we know we didn’t waste our money. For me, “getting something out of it” means I learned something.

Conference workshops tend to ensure that. In a workshop, you can learn anything from a software tutorial to tips on running a freelance business. Workshops have encouraged me to make my process more efficient and to question how I do things every day. It also helps to have these workshops taught by people who know their shit.

Additionally, seeing others’ projects or process during or outside of a workshop can incite healthy competition. Seeing someone come out of the woodwork and do this innovative, new project can very much push you to improve your skillset and learn more.

Ensure Peace of Mind

Something that people should give more importance to in their lives is mental health. Conferences are, surprisingly, something that can deliver some mental health benefits

For one thing, the removal of stress that comes with leaving your normal routine. Getting away from the constant noise of emails and meetings is quite restorative. I appreciate new things, I am not anxious about what’s to come and I’m more open to possibilities.

Additionally, being around others with the same priorities and mindset helps in self-awareness. You learn where you stand, where you used to stand and where you want to stand. In my experience, becoming more self-aware also correlates to a boost in self-confidence. As I learn more and more about myself, I know how I react in situations and how I can best pursue my creative endeavors.

Build Friendships

Lastly, conferences allow you to grow your current friendships and create new ones. It’s plain and simple: human connection feels good. I’ve met some of the best people I know in the design community at conferences. These new friends can motivate you and also be welcome company. New interactions can broaden your horizons about your environment, your career or your internal struggles.

All three conferences I have attended, I have gone with a handful of my closest friends. It would be an understatement to say that our friendships grew from these experiences. Because of these conferences, we even started a Slack channel to communicate more about our day-to-day design struggles, motivations and goals.

Some of my favorite memories are from these conferences and I couldn’t be happier that I went. Even better, we sometimes (or all the time) get cool swag to take home and remind us of the fantastic creators we got to meet.


If you haven’t taken a second before to realize the benefits of a conference, I hope this post has helped you think it over. Don’t let time or money excuses throw this possible experience to the wayside.

If you’re a student, go to a conference. If you’re a principal designer with ten years of experience, go to a conference. It’s something that we all should do at least once and continue to do if it’s something you enjoy. You may be surprised at the things you could learn and the experiences you could have.

Awesome Conferences You Should Attend

Creative South
Focuses on building relationships/family and showing love for other creatives • Strong hand-lettering community • Early April 2018
✈ Columbus, GA

HOW Design Live
Focuses on creative inspiration, techniques to work smarter and more efficiently, and opportunities in the resource center • Early May 2018
✈ Boston, MA

SXSW (South by Southwest)
A conglomerate of film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences • One of the longest running cons • Early March 2018
✈ Austin, TX

AIGA Conference
Focused as a means of connecting the design community through rich conversation, inspiration, networking and education • Early October 2017
✈ Minneapolis, Minnesota

Focused on providing insights into how we can solve real-life design problems and brainstorming workflow solutions• Early June 2018
✈ New York, NY

99U Conference
Two days of talks from creative visionaries • Inspires creative professionals to create ways to shape the future of the industry • Early May 2018
✈ New York, NY

Focused on the contemporary use of type • Strong hand-lettering community • Late June 2018
✈ New York, NY

Brand New Conference
Focused on the practice of corporate and brand identity • Daily sessions offering thoughts from speakers world-wide • Early September 2018
✈ Chicago, IL

Adobe MAX
Focuses on a blend of information and inspiration, practical knowledge and creative magic • Lot of swag to be had • Late October 2017
✈ Las Vegas, Nevada

Creative Works
Focuses on building an ecosystem that grows and elevates the creative community in order to accelerate cultural and economic change • Early October 2017
✈ Memphis, Tennessee

Interaction 17
The sharpest minds in the industry will share insights and stories to give you new perspectives on your craft and career • Community is mostly focused on UX/Interaction Design • Early February 2018
✈ New York, NY

Generate Conference
Focused on web designers and developers bringing the latest industry trends to life • Date TBD 2018
✈ New York, NY

An Event Apart
Focused primarily on web and interaction design • Encourages improvement in technical skills
✈ Washington, DC • Early July 2017
✈ Chicago, IL • Late August 2017
✈ San Francisco, CA • Late October 2017
✈ Denver, CO • Early December 2017

If you’d like to read more about the founder of Creative South, Mike Jones, and his goals for the conference, you can check that out here:

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Erica Cotten

UX Designer @Salesforce. Designer, illustrator, Twitch creative streamer and dog mom living in New York City.