One Third Stories and Mallow and Marsh #notjustaworkspace

This week we heard from #CollectiveFam One Third Stories and Mallow and Marsh who collaborated on One Third Stories’ Dragon’s Den prep!

CMDN Collective
CMDN Collective
2 min readAug 22, 2018


Alex from One Third Stories had been chatting to Harriot from Mallow and Marsh and found out she had been on the show but they never had a chance to speak about it until very close to the airing date:

“It ended up being a bit of a life-saver as Harriot quizzed me on the measures we had in place to deal with the traffic spike. She also challenged our logic on not investing in professional help given the potential for massively increased revenues and all the other kinds of interesting opportunities that can come from being on national TV.”

“After convincing us it was something we should think further about, she then went back into her office and emailed a few different people with technical backgrounds who might be able to help. Within minutes, I’d arranged to speak to a consultancy who ended up doing all the work needed on our website to make sure it didn’t crash. The site survived us being on Dragon’s Den, and all the media coverage we got subsequently, largely thanks to Harriot poking her head round the door and seeing how we were getting on.”

It’s great to see that even a quick chat in our Collective hub can mean that members can benefit from excellent advice and help each other to grow and succeed!

