Rachel Reeves MP

Shadow Work & Pensions Secretary supports the role of Business Improvement Districts in helping local enterprise

CMDN Collective
CMDN Collective
2 min readFeb 27, 2015


On Friday 27th February, the Shadow Work & Pensions Secretary, Rachel Reeves MP, addressed an audience of local small business representatives at the Camden Collective on Labour’s plans to support enterprise in London.

At the event, hosted by Camden Town Unlimited, the Business Improvement District for Camden Town, Reeves said that companies should be signposted in the direction of Business Improvement Districts and made aware of how they can drive local growth.

Her speech outlined how her party would equip businesses and young people with the skills that they need to become successful, including commitments to:

  • Ensure that every young person out of work would be guaranteed a minimum wage job after one year
  • Freeze business rates in its first year of office and cut them in its second
  • Give more decision-making powers to local bodies by devolving approximately £30 billion to local authorities

Rachel Reeves MP said:

“Labour’s Economic Plan for London will help businesses grow and workers earn more. A Labour government will cut business rates to benefit hundreds of thousands of firms in London.“We will bring in a new lower 10 pence starting rate of tax which will benefit nearly three million Londoners and we’ll raise the minimum wage and offer firms tax rebates to pay a Living Wage.”

Commenting, Simon Pitkeathley, Chairman of Camden Town Unlimited, said:

“Local organisations like the Camden Collective have led the way by providing innovative courses and creating inventive products, but our entrepreneurs still need support. We therefore welcome Rachel’s plan to tackle business rates and youth unemployment, two key issues facing businesses in Camden.

“As a Business Improvement District we work hard to make Camden a better place to work, shop and visit, so we were very encouraged by her support for local Business Improvement Districts.”


Notes to editors:

  • Camden Town Unlimited (‘CTU’) is the Business Improvement District for Camden Town and has been appointed by the business community to improve the area as a place to work, live and visit.
  • CTU is entirely accountable to its members and reports to a board of local business leaders representing companies operating in Camden Town.
  • Further details about CTU’s work can be obtained by speaking to its Chief Executive, Simon Pitkeathley, on 020 7380 8260 or via simon@camdentownunlimited.com.

