#TuesdayTopTips How to get paid as a freelancer — Florence Wilkinson

We spoke to #Collectivefam and creative genius Florence Wilkinson to find out her top tips on how to get paid as a freelancer

CMDN Collective
CMDN Collective
2 min readMay 29, 2018


Late invoices. Stubborn clients. Squabbling over payment terms…All the reasons why getting paid as a freelancer can be an emotional rollercoaster! We therefore thought it’s about time we asked a freelancer based in the hub for some quick and reassuring advice on the all important topic of getting paid in a world of fixed expenses and variable income.

Introducing…#Collectivefam Florence Wilkinson; writer, filmmaker and co-founder of birdsong recognition app Warblr. She’s worked with big brands such as Channel 4, the Roundhouse and Penguin Random House and she uses Collective as a base to work on ongoing projects, collaborate with others and “avoid the insanity of working from home all the time.” She recently spoke at our #Lunchtimespecial about the topic of getting paid. We thought she’d be the best person to ask for a top tip so here they are:

  • If you’re going to reduce your rates, make sure it’s for a good reason (such as creative fulfilment, making a difference in the world, great experience/ something for your portfolio etc.)
  • Don’t ever undervalue yourself or your work
  • Be clear up front about how much time you think a project will take and what it will cost
  • Define a payment schedule and give your clients regular updates, so that if things are taking longer than expected you can work together to find a way forward
  • Don’t ever feel guilty about chasing overdue invoices!

Find out more about Florence Wilkinson and her work here.

