R&D Undergraduate Project: A Learning Opportunity or a Daunting Task?

Mei Chan
CMKL University
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2023

The AiCE curriculum offers a unique learning experience for first-term freshmen, giving them the chance to engage in hands-on projects under the guidance of experienced advisors. While this approach has numerous benefits, it can be overwhelming for students who are just starting their undergraduate journey, including myself. As a freshman, my programming knowledge was limited, and I had no prior experience working on projects. To add to the challenge, our project was a three-month-long endeavor with multiple feedback sessions, revisions, and a steep learning curve.

Our R&D undergraduate project, called “Trash Master,” aimed to develop a mobile application capable of determining the recyclability of discarded items on both iOS and Android platforms. If users were unsure about which bin to place their waste in, this app would provide the necessary guidance. The project demanded expertise in machine learning and mobile development, which were entirely new to me and my two teammates. Despite our initial fear and confusion, we were fortunate to have the support of our exceptional project advisor, Dr. Sally.

We needed to create two models for the project: one utilizing transfer learning and another built from scratch. I was responsible for the latter, using the Keras framework to develop a CNN model. Learning about the theory in the classroom and applying it in practice proved to be quite different. Although my model initially had a low accuracy rate, I managed to increase it to 67% by adjusting techniques and adding a hyperparameter. This model served as an experimental benchmark for comparison against the Resnet model, which we ultimately chose to use due to its higher accuracy rate of 90%.

Through the “Trash Master” project, I learned that our perception of a challenge is often the most significant barrier to success. What initially seemed overwhelming became more manageable once we approached it systematically, with the support of our advisor and proper planning. Breaking the project into smaller more achievable tasks can make it less daunting while seeking guidance and support from others can alleviate pressure and offer fresh perspectives.

In conclusion, the key to success lies in one’s mindset and approach. With the right attitude and a solid support system, even the most intimidating tasks can be conquered!

