Act-On’s Marketing Automation System Just Got Very Social

Mike Johnston
CMS Critic
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2016

Act-On Software, the marketing automation system aimed at small and medium sized businesses, has announced its ‘Advanced Social Media Module’, which will help segment audiences based on their social media activity.

The new module brings about scheduled social publishing, social analytics, content recommendations, and more.

Act-On have pointed to the opinion of Augie Ray, an analyst at Gartner, as one of their reasons for releasing this new feature:

“Marketers have focused much of their social media efforts in the Buy cycle, but they can create greater benefit by optimizing social media throughout the entire customer journey to capture loyal customers and activate advocates.

No single social media metric can encompass the many ways social media contributes to a business’s top line and bottom lines. To measure the impact of social media, marketers need to identify their brand’s opportunities in the Buy, Own, and Advocate cycles, and select the measures that best fit those opportunities to fulfill attribution requirement.”

Advanced Social Media Module

Act-On’s new Advanced Social Media Module is a serious upgrade in the social department. Here’s a breakdown of how it empowers marketers.

Advanced Social Publishing


Act-On’s advanced social publishing allows you to create, curate, and schedule your content in advance. It then automatically publishes your content based on your targeted schedule for Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

This feature alone replaces apps like Buffer and Hootsuite to unite marketing efforts under one roof.

Social Analytics


Act-On’s Advanced Social Media Module features a simplified analytics dashboard, where you can see how your social media marketing efforts are driving leads and conversions.

With it, you can track acquisitions, engagement, audience, content, and advocacy.

Content Curation


Not sure what you content to share? Act-On’s built-in content curation engine gives you content recommendations based on your audience’s engagement with what you’ve already been sharing.

The more engagement a post generates (such as clicks, comments, likes, and conversions) the more the engine will recommend similar content.

Roles & Permissions


Act-On allows you to easily manage cross-functional roles with the Advanced Social Media Module. You will be able to assign team members to selected campaigns and social profiles, allow them to be a publisher, or just work behind-the-scenes.

All in all, this seems like a fantastic upgrade which should play right into the hands of marketers — particularly since 93 percent of B2B marketers report using social media as a marketing channel.

For more information, check out the Act-On website.

Also, you can visit the Act-On Hub on our Marketing Directory to get a feel for the product.



Mike Johnston
CMS Critic

I run a website about tech called CMS Critic where I am not afraid to share my opinion. If it’s good, I’ll tell you and if it’s crap, I’ll tell everyone.😉