Drupal or Magento — Which One is an eCommerce Paragon?

CMS Development
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2016
Drupal versus Magento

There has been much hike among businesses about choosing the best eCommerce platform that accommodates effective web development along with business growth. But with a number of eCommerce solutions prevailing in the market, it is hard to decide which one is better for my business?.

An eCommerce open-source platform report shows that Magento acquires 37.7% of the market share whereas Drupal Commerce consists of 3.3%. The prime reason for Magento’s popularity is its comprehensive features along with the full flexibility to control the web development functionality. On the contrary, some businesses prefer Drupal for developing enterprise web application because it’s easy to use.

So, from the perspective of eCommerce development, both Magento and Drupal Commerce have features that are distinct in nature and suits different business scenarios. In such a case, a brief feature-comparison of Drupal Commerce vs Magento will be worth the effort.

Comparison of Drupal vs. Magento eCommerce Platform

Content Management: The best thing about Drupal Commerce is that it is developed on Drupal, the content management system, so it is hassle-free. The WYSIWYG module of Drupal Commerce makes it easy to add text editor to the website. But it requires additional efforts to make the image embedding work. While the content management tool of Magento is reasonable but is less refined when compared to Drupal.

Admin Panel: Drupal is well-known for its learning curve. Its latest content management system offers a smooth user experience. The overlay module enables your admin panel to be displayed on your site, making things easily manageable. Although Magento’s admin panel is well-tested, its wide array of options can make the amateurs go off-beat. So, Magento offers various training courses to guide such first-time users and quickly gets them back on-track.

Theming System: Drupal’s theming system is pretty reasonable but requires enough patience as it offers various controlling options. Some particular areas of writing documentation for theming system are weak in Drupal Commerce. Magento, on the other hand, is highly complex. But if you master Magento’s theming system, it gives you greater control.

Documentation and Support: Drupal Commerce’s documentation is too young to expect much out of it but with time it will diversify. Whilst Magento has its own community support forum and a documentation wiki that can help you find solutions to your problems. Also, plenty of books and Magento guides are available in case you’re anxiously looking for an answer.

SEO Compatibility and Scalability: Both platforms are search engine friendly. Drupal Commerce offers some additional SEO options. Magento, even though, is well-optimized for SEO needs extra care as some of its themes are not well-built. In terms of scalability, Magento is a proven one for large-scale enterprises and Drupal Commerce can be expected to catch up soon.

So, both Drupal and Magento are powerful eCommerce systems. But it is recommended to use Magento for enterprise eCommerce store development while startups or businesses on a tight budget can make use of Drupal Commerce.

Which eCommerce shopping cart are you using for your online business — Drupal Commerce or Magento? Share your comments below.

