02.28 // Ideation Working Session

Helen Hu
CMU Design Research Methods // Spring 2019
2 min readMar 7, 2019

Syllabus | Class Box Folder | Ideation Assignment

Teams explore solution ideas for Construction Junction

In class, we visited each team to see what solutions for Construction Junction (CJ) they wanted to consider moving forward with. Several interesting ideas were explored—

Seek digital solutions to augment physical spaces. Communication platforms, hobbyist radio stations were some ideas proposed.

Seek solutions for more effective organization. Ideas included digital inventory systems and ways to feature less visited areas of the store. Maps were proposed as ways to guide wayfinding toward related objects.

Pursue immersion as an experience. Students proposed Ikea-like showroom concepts for CJ to feature complementary styles and furnishings.

Establish a brand presence. Through murals, physical installations, brand communications, and labels.

Align with business incentives. How might CJ align design with its goals for growth and customer acquisition? One idea was reaching out to new, untapped demographics by tailoring in-store campaigns.

Foster community. Through the use of communal creative spaces such as blackboards, CJ could allow customers to share their projects and musings. Other methods include creative ways of nudging dialogue and customer-employee interaction.

Organize community events. What events appeal to CJ customers? Ideas included workshops, makerspace events, or potlucks to bring the community together.

Amplify stories and histories. Ideas included making use of the history of re-used and upcycled furniture, ascribing them personifying names.

Create new metaphors. What if a warehouse felt more like a museum with a clear, almost narrated path?

Ideation sketches, credit: Stefan Mumaw (left), IBM Social Business (right)

