Construction Junction Observation(Signage+Wayfinding)

Matthew Nam
CMU Design Research Methods // Spring 2019
4 min readJan 21, 2019

Gabe Brower, Daniela Delgado, Lauren Kenny, Matthew Nam, Thomas Youn

The wayfinding experience at Construction Junction is nothing like our usual customer experience at Dick’s, HomeDepot, or BestBuy. The jaded door and the large found-material sculpture shows everything about this place. Construction Junction does not follow the expected norms of customer wayfinding. Without consistent signage and inventory display convention, the space seems promising with possibilities but also appears overwhelming to navigate.

Design Objective:

Become aware of the design artifacts and environmental attributes influencing users’ wayfinding experience.

Observation Methods:

  • Field Visit/Observation
  • Design Ethnography (Photo Documentation + Notes)
  • Shadowing shoppers
  • Guerrilla Interview

Location A — Entrance

This place is so big! I can’t imagine what I can find here”

— Jacob (56) woodshop worker


The interior incites a sense of exploration and adventure. The variety of objects differing in size, shape, and color evoke wistful feelings that encourage the user to walk within the space. The scale of the area is also a compelling factor for the user to investigate the space.

Most people explored the space by wandering around and looking at the signs occasionally for guidance. The signs were not necessary but a welcome enhancement of the space


Signages are inconsistent and visually loud. The large EXIT sign initially made me think I was at the wrong location. There is no comprehensive map that shows me how the space is designed.

Color swatch of the entrance demonstrates visual dynamicism, establishing a sense of exploration and adventure in the user’s interpretation of the space.
The variety in form, shape, and color of the signages disrupts hierarchy and clear communication, causing disorientation in the user’s wayfinding experience.

Location B — Aisles

This place feels like my childhood home attic.”

— Maria(42) local resident


The towering structures construct an intimate space for the users. The space is surprisingly quiet and helps the user to concentrate in the shopping experience.


Information on signages intersect and overlap, causing confusion to the users. There is no clear grid layout and designed pathways. The space doesn’t afford a safe environment.

The placement of signs did not coordinate with the physical structure of the space, causing instability and visual anxiety.


The lack of contrast between the objects and the ceiling blur foreground and background, making it even more challenging to navigate the area.

Location C — Lumber

“I might find something good, or maybe not.

— David (34) real estate manager


The lumbers were color coded based on price. It was an intuitive system that made it easier for users to pick and choose.


The large type size helps communicating information even from far distances. Once locating the signs, getting to the destination was just a matter of time.


Once locating the area, I had difficulty reading the faded signs that seemed to inform me more about the goods. It was frustrating to figure out what was the common denominator amongst all the lumbers of different size and shape.

Location D— Appliances

“I don’t know if these are for sale.

— Joan (45) uber driver


The contrast in the wood and metal texture helped me figure out where the appliances are. The environment forces me to rely on sensorial information to navigate the space. Shape and size are also good indicators of the type of object.


There were two appliance aisles with only one actually containing appliances. I had to do trial and error walks to figure out the area I needed to get to. I got used to the idea that signs are not accurate and reliable in this environment.


The lack of threshold in between areas can cause disorientation. For instance, next to the appliances section is a lower ceiling that seems to indicate a threshold. I was unable to tell if the other side was part of the appliances section or an off-limits area. The space doesn’t afford a pathway that complements the layout and organization of the objects.

The ceiling affords a threshold, but there is no other indicator of space division. These type of inconsistencies add on to the user’s effort in navigating the space.

