Ideation & Prototype: Space and Uses (Team 2)

How Might We (HMW) Questions

Jenna Kim
CMU Design Research Methods // Spring 2019
4 min readMar 7, 2019


Expanding upon the themes from our previous affinity diagram, we decided to form How Might We Questions to address the problem, and think about how we can improve Construction Junction through our topic, Space and Uses. Each of us had three post its, and each of us wrote down three insights and three HPW questions. For example, on one post-it, the key insight is “Long term shoppers at CJ are less satisfied than the short term, new shoppers.” Then, the HPW will be “How might we find ways to to engage the long term shoppers and help them have better experience at CJ?” Sharing every post it, we found that there are some similarities between some key insights and questions. In order to visualize everything in a larger scope, we decided to categorize every post its and labeled each category. Some important categories were expectation/satisfaction, physical space, time/efficiency, and etc.

Us categorizing and labeling the questions on the post its

Gut Check Worksheet

For our homework, each individual in our group had to fill out a gut check worksheet to bring to class on Thursday. We didn’t discuss which HMW question will each person expand on. On Thursday, we came together as a group to choose one idea that is most ideal and innovative, and build upon it. As we evaluated the ideas we had from the gut check worksheet, we thought about what would be most feasible in Construction Junction, based on our observations and research that we had done previously. We also considered what our overarching goal was, and what we thought would benefit the customers the most while sticking to our topic. In the end, we decided that we should go with the biggest insight we gathered from the cultural probe — that new customers are very impressed with Construction Junction while old customers are less satisfied — summing it down to the idea of “how might we satisfy expectations and keep customers satisfied?” When looking at our ideas, we meshed together two ideas, which were one of a platform where customers can share the projects that they have created and an inspiration board where people can discuss what they plan on creating. In this way, we hoped that we could keep up the creativity and inspiration that Construction Junction is created under.

example of a gut check worksheet

Final Idea Prototype

Describe the idea/prototype:

On CJ’s website there could be a specific section dedicated to projects created through their community of buyers. From these guides physical pamphlets could be produced expanding where the necessary materials to complete the project are located throughout CJ and step-by-step instructions on how to complete the project.

How will the idea have impact on the issue you are addressing ?

Throughout the assumption that CJ’s appeals to an older male demographic, and that the bulk of CJ’s stock comprises materials used for home renovation and personal projects. We can assume that these consumers make things! With a platform to display these creations these customers can inform others about their own personal projects making this information more public. With physical guides being placed around CJ’s a larger group of customers will be exposed to different possibilities of creation that they may have never been informed of. Currently Construction Junction primarily seems to lean towards older male demographic, and the bulk of CJ’s stock comprises materials used for home renovation and personal projects. With a platform to display these creations these customers can inform others about their own personal projects making this information more public. By appealing to other demographics a larger group of customers will be exposed to different possibilities of creation that they may have never been informed of. That way, the feeling of being overwhelmed will be gone.

Final Pamphlet
Original Poster

Takeaway / Reflection

The major takeaway from the project was the different uses of a variety of research methods to find about people and a certain system. As a group, we struggled to figure our main focus because we did not know where this project was going. However, through this project, we grew as a team by learning how to communicate with others well and come across creative ideas. Hopefully, this project will not only help create CJ a better system, but help them get positive feedback from the customers.

