Oct 19th — Research x Design

This is the summary for week 8 “Research x Designof Seminar 3 Advanced Interaction & Service Design Concepts / Design Theory & Practice. The aim of this course is to engage in critical discourses in design and explore and reflect on the implications of designing in the world, the agency of designed artifacts, and their effects not only in human systems but also in environmental ones.

We are currently covering the third module of our course called Research x Design. The students would conduct a pilot study, topics of their choice. At the end of the semester, they will present their studies and hold a Participatory event.

In the class, we watched a video of Christopher Frayling talking about Three Levels of Structure in RtD (Research through design). He breaks down design research into research for design, that is, gathering the materials and information for the design. Then, there is research into design. Finally, there is research through design, meaning using design as a way to learn.

Also, we covered Three Levels of Structure in RtD by exemplary Design Research (2006) by Binder & Redström. It starts with a research question to guide a project. Then, conducting experiments with concrete activities, which were also referred to as RtD artifacts and prototypes. An example of the activities is field testing. Lastly, the area of exploration is defined.

