Oct 26th — Pitching Your Research Plan

This is the summary for week 9 “Pitching Your Research Planof Seminar 3 Advanced Interaction & Service Design Concepts / Design Theory & Practice. The aim of this course is to engage in critical discourses in design and explore and reflect on the implications of designing in the world, the agency of designed artifacts, and their effects not only in human systems but also in environmental ones.

We are currently covering the third module of our course called Research x Design. The students would conduct a pilot study, topics of their choice. At the end of the semester, they will present their studies and hold a Participatory event.

In the class, the students presented a draft of their research plans. Here’s the summary of the topics: “how our understandings of sense of place can affect community identity and impact individual well-being.”, “communication between international students in the US and their immediate family members living in their home country”, “planetary resources — Non Renewable Resources”, “The pilot study is intended to collect qualitative data on attitudes, perceptions, and desires related to collaborate work toward new systems of production.”, “Accessibility in design education”, “How are designers using other ways of knowing, sensing, and doing?”, “People-centered principles for Privacy in digital era”, “Ttransitioning away from single use plastic, specifically cutlery”, and “Food as a social medium of communication and culture.”

