Norm Grimberg
Machining Design Associated Ltd.
3 min readMar 24, 2020

Using a 5-axis CNC machine can open doors for greater productivity, reduced capital investment and lower operator cost per part and a chance to accept work from a customer which was previously unavailable to you. 5-axis was hard to master a decade ago but now anyone in a machine shop who is working on a 3-axis machining can master it in no time. There are lots of benefits of using 5-axis CNC machining which will be shared in this article.

What do you mean by 5-Axis CNC Machining?

The simple definition of a 5-axis CNC machine is when a machine is able to move the part on five-axis in the same set-up. 5 axis machining: 1-axis machine would be a drill press, as it’s only capable of moving up and down. Going with the same logic, a 3-axis machine moves right to left, backwards, forwards, up and down. While using a 3-axis machine, users can easily move the tool along with the X and Y-axis while using the Z-axis to move up and down.

With the fifth axis, users will get two rotary axes and it opens the door for an infinite number of new machining possibilities. It’s easy to understand the rotary axes, one which is defined by A rotates around the X-axis, B will rotate around the Y-axis and C will rotate around the Z-axis. With the help of additional axes, the cutting tool can approach the part from all the directions, which enables the undercutting which is possible on lower axis machines if the part gets re-positioned.

Benefits of 5 Axis Machining:

5 axis machining saves time: A misconception with 5 axis machining is that it’s only effective when used with complex parts which require specialty machining. This is the benefit of the additional axes and this is not the only one. More than 60% of parts made in a CNC machine shop require machining on 5-sides. 5-axis machining can do this job faster and efficiently. Unlike in 3 axis machining, the cutting tool stays to the surface you are cutting. More material is removed with each passing of the tool and the requirement for fewer setups will result in saving time.

Better surface finish: 5 axis capabilities do result in better surface finish, 5 axis machining allows the orientation of the parts to be closer to the cutting tool. Here, the fourth and fifth axis comes into play and allows the CNC machinist to use a short cutting tool, that will vibrate less, which results in an excellent finish. More time is required when companies use 3 axis machining services, as it requires small cuts to create the same surface finish which can be offered with a 5 axis machine.

5 axis — cutting complex shapes: You might be one the best 3 axis machinist in the world but some parts do require 5 axis, this is one of the best benefits which are associated with the 5 axis machines. Undercutting is made easy with 5 axis as the additional movements will allow for machining arcs that were only possible before with multiple set-ups.

An extra edge over your competitors: This is a straightforward benefit, not every shop has 5 axis machines but by having one you have the edge over your competitors to provide your customers with the versatility others can’t provide. Everyone at the end of the day wants a leg up on their competition.

5 Axis machining make you more competitive: A quality shop which is also very competitive is a very important aspect to any machine shop.. By adding 5 axis capabilities to your shop, it will definitely help. It would be difficult to put a dollar figure on the advantages of adding 5 axis machining, but an experienced CNC operator can definitely let you know all about the benefits over the long term.

