Vue Js Lifecycle Hooks

Sena Akbulut
CNK Tech
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2024

Hello everyone, I will tell you about Vue Js Lifecycle and lifecycle hooks. Every system has a life cycle. It is created, updated, and finally exited from that cycle. Vue Js also has a lifecycle and there are hooks to connect to these lifecycles and run functions there, these are lifecycle hooks.

These hooks can be shown in the diagram as follows.

I will tell you about the hooks used in Composition API. These are:


The onBeforeMount hook occurs just before the component is mounted to the DOM. The onBeforeMount lifecycle hook happens right before the onMounted hook.



The onMounted hook is the function that will be called when the component is added to the DOM.



The onBeforeUpdate hook is called whenever there is a change in the data of a component, but before the update is rendered to the screen. The onBeforeUpdate lifecycle hook happens right before the onUpdated hook.



The onUpdated hook is called when the component updates the Dom tree.

Note: This hook is called after any DOM update of the component, which can be caused by different state changes because multiple state changes can be batched into a single render cycle for performance reasons. If you need to access the updated DOM after a specific state change, use nextTick() instead. (



The onBeforeUnmount lifecycle hook is called just before a component is removed from the DOM.

When this hook is called, the component instance is still fully functional.



Registers a callback to be called after the component has been unmounted.

This hook can for example be used to remove event listeners or cancelling timers or intervals.


I can add this as a note. These hooks are not called during server-side rendering.

In general, these are the hooks and features for Composition API, I hope this was useful to you.

See you in the next writing.

