Daily Rewind: Analyzing the Senate bill

The Senate health care bill would leave 22 million fewer Americans with health insurance by 2026 than Obamacare. That’s according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Here’s what you need to know:

Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream
2 min readJun 26, 2017


  • The Senate bill would cover one million more people than the House’s version, which leaves 23 million fewer Americans insured over the next 11 years than Obamacare.
  • The House passed its version of an Obamacare repeal bill in May.
  • The Senate version of the bill calls for deep cuts to Medicaid. While the House’s proposed cuts would take effect faster, they wouldn’t be as sweeping as those called for by the Senate.
  • The Senate bill would also get rid of Obamacare’s taxes on the wealthy and allow insurers to charge more to older Americans.
  • At least four Republican senators have said they won’t vote for the bill. The GOP can only afford to lose two members of their senate caucus to pass the bill.

Other important news to know:

Supreme Court temporarily allows parts of Trump’s travel ban. The court said that foreigners from six Muslim-majority countries who are applying for U.S. visas or who have never been to the U.S. could be prohibited from entering the country. But those with formal ties to America will still be able to enter (ie: university students and workers signed with U.S. companies). The Supreme Court has agreed to take up the case in the fall. The court’s decision is a partial victory for Trump, whose travel bans have been blocked by lower courts. Read more from CNN Politics.

Want more news? Check these stories out:

*Martin Shkreli (a.k.a. “Pharma Bro”) heads to trial for fraud (CNNMoney)

*Supreme Court to take up gay rights/religious freedom case (Bloomberg)

*Trump: Obama “colluded” on Russia (CNN Politics)

*Facebook celebrates Harry Potter’s 20th anniversary (The Verge)

That’s all for today. We’ll see you again tomorrow!

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Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream

CNN journalist, 🐶🐱 mom & proud @Columbiajourn alumna. Email me: shannon.gupta@cnn.com.