Daily Rewind: Roger Ailes’ legacy

Roger Ailes, who built Fox News into a ratings powerhouse and transformed cable television, died today at 77. Here’s a look at his legacy:

Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream
2 min readMay 18, 2017


Other important business news:

President Trump officially agrees to renegotiate NAFTA. President Trump notified Congress in a letter today that he will renegotiate NAFTA, a free trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The letter triggers a 90-day consultation period, meaning negotiations can start in August at the earliest. Trump has called NAFTA the “worst trade deal in history” because of its impact on American jobs. Read more from CNNMoney’s Patrick Gillespie.

The FCC votes to move forward on rolling back net neutrality laws. The Federal Communications Commission voted in favor of a proposal to roll back net neutrality protections. The rules were instituted in 2015 to keep the internet open and fair. Essentially, they prevent web providers from playing favorites by deliberately speeding up or slowing down traffic from specific websites and apps. But critics have called the regulations burdensome to businesses. Read more from CNN Tech’s Seth Fiegerman.

Want more important news? Check these stories out:

*GM will stop selling cars in India and South Africa (Times of India)

*Facebook fined for misleading European officials about WhatsApp deal (NYT)

*Car plows into pedestrians in New York’s Times Square (Reuters)

*Trump: Special prosecutor appointment a “witch hunt” (CNN Politics)

That’s all for today. We’ll see you again tomorrow!

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Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream

CNN journalist, 🐶🐱 mom & proud @Columbiajourn alumna. Email me: shannon.gupta@cnn.com.