Daily Rewind: Trump, Trump, Trump

It was a big day for the president. Reports emerged that Trump is expected to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement this week. He also taught us a new word, “covfefe,” and slammed Kathy Griffin for her anti-Trump photo shoot. Here’s how it went down:

Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream
2 min readMay 31, 2017


Trump is expected to pull out of the Paris climate deal:

So, what does “covfefe” mean?! 🤔

  • The president wants you to be the judge. At 12:06 a.m., he tweeted: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” It seems he meant to type the word “coverage.”
  • By 6 a.m., the post had been deleted. Shortly after, Trump tweeted: “Who can figure out the true meaning of “covfefe” ??? Enjoy!” The internet took the bait.
  • CNN analyst Chris Cilizza says the tweet, while silly on its face, tells us a lot about who Trump is as a president.

Kathy Griffin faces photo shoot backlash:

  • Trump tweeted today that comedian Kathy Griffin “should be ashamed of herself” for taking part in a photo shoot that featured her holding a bloody head resembling the president.
  • Griffin apologized for the photo: “I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it offends people. It wasn’t funny. I get it.” She said she’s asked celebrity photographer Tyler Shields to take the photo down.
  • CNN fired Griffin from hosting its annual New Year’s Eve show following the photo shoot controversy.

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That’s all for today. We’ll see you back here tomorrow!

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Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream

CNN journalist, 🐶🐱 mom & proud @Columbiajourn alumna. Email me: shannon.gupta@cnn.com.