Daily Rewind: Uber hit with new lawsuit

Thought Uber’s troubles were over? Think again. A Texas native who was raped by an Uber driver in India filed a new lawsuit against the company today. Here’s what you should know:

Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream
2 min readJun 15, 2017


  • The unnamed woman claims Uber, its CEO Travis Kalanick and two former executives meddled in and shared her personal information. She’s also suing for defamation.
  • The lawsuit comes one week after Recode reported that an Uber executive, Eric Alexander, obtained the 26-year-old woman’s medical records following the 2014 rape. He then reportedly shared them with Kalanick and another executive, Emil Michaels.
  • Alexander and Michaels have since left the company and Kalanick announced earlier this week he’s taking a leave of absence.
  • The same woman also sued Uber in 2015, claiming that the company failed to adequately screen its drivers to ensure her and other passengers’ safety. She settled with the company for an undisclosed amount, and the accused Uber driver was convicted in India.

Other important news to know:

The U.K. has three days to craft a Brexit plan. Britain confirmed today that Brexit talks with the EU will officially begin on Monday. But it’s still unclear what Britain’s negotiating position will be, especially given Prime Minister Theresa May’s election disaster last week. She had been hoping to bolster her party’s majority in Parliament, but actually ended up losing the majority all together. Now she’s trying to cobble together a new government. We’ll find out on Wednesday whether that strategy worked. Read more from CNNMoney’s Charles Riley.

Want more news? Check these stories out:

*Bitcoin falls to its lowest price in over two years (Bloomberg)

*Jury deadlocked in Bill Cosby trial (NYT)

*Nike is laying off 1,000 workers (CNNMoney)

You’re all caught up for now. We’ll see you back here tomorrow!

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Shannon Gupta
CNN MoneyStream

CNN journalist, 🐶🐱 mom & proud @Columbiajourn alumna. Email me: shannon.gupta@cnn.com.