How I DOUBLED My Income In ONE Month! (for real)

No bullshit, no magic.. This is life-changing stuff here, people!


Now, I’ve heard about the Law of Attraction before, but back then, it was more like hearing about string theory or quantum physics and it was something that I waved off as being useless to me. “Yeah, sure, it might work for them, but that’s just because…” Or, “I don’t need to know that until… unless…”

I wish I woulda pulled my head outta my ass then. I can’t imagine where I’d be now. Ahhh.. *sigh*

I remember hearing about The Secret, but never quite got around to reading or watching it. I was on my to-read list, but once the hype died that was it. Aside from hearing a bit here and there from people I considered to be “out of my league,” I never really heard anything about the Law of Attraction again.


A friend and a mentor recommended a book to me. I was all for it and again, added it to my to-read list (we all know how pointless that list can be). But I was serious this time, I was gonna read that book — someday.

Then, I got a package in the mail. She sent me the book! She, herself, had not even read the book yet, but somehow, she knew how monumental it would be in my life.

I started reading the book right around the time I started doing some online marketing work for… let’s call her A. Sitting in on her calls, writing and reading her blogs, seeing her Facebook posts, she was always talking about financial liberation. I knew what financial freedom was (not personally, but intellectually — though I had plans to get there someday myself) but hadn’t really heard the term financial liberation. I assumed it meant something the same.

The more I worked with A and the more I was enveloped in the community that surrounds her, I learned that the two were not in fact one in the same: financial freedom is money — financial liberation is a mindset. She would always say something like, “It’s being able to create exactly what you need, when you need it.”

And somehow, I would always miss it.

“Son of a bitch! Will someone please just tell me HOW to do it?! Because I need money and I need it yesterday!”

It just sounded so impossible to me until mid-way through reading my new book. It was then that I had my aha moment! I was no longer scratching my head and throwing my hands in the air.. I finally got it!

After it clicked, I just sat there thinking, “Ho-ly shit, I just got handed the keys to my whole universe.” I was no longer doomed to take life as it comes, good or bad. My power and my choice and my ability wasn’t lost to someone, something or some circumstance.

I have the power to create my life. I have what I need to create what I want when I need it…

And that my friends, is Financial Liberation.

I know you’re just dying to know what the hell the title of THE book is that gave me the tools to more than DOUBLE MY INCOME in just ONE MONTH, and guess what, I’m gonna tell ya!..

But first, I want to hear your Law of Attraction, co-creating, manifesting, life-design, money makin’, life-changing story. Leave a comment below and I promise the title in return.

Until next time,


