Online Laboratories and Inquiry Learning for STEM Education in Africa

'Bosun Tijani
Co-Creation Hub
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2017

How might we adopt online laboratories and inquiry learning to improve students’ participation in STEM[1] subjects across Africa?

The above question is what CcHUB (re:learn) and our partners from 7 European and African countries seeks to answer through the technology transfer project; GO-GA. GO-GA is a European Commission funded collaborative initiative under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Funding Scheme.

Scientific advances and technological change are significant drivers of recent economic performance. The ability to create, distribute and exploit knowledge has become a major source of competitive advantage, wealth creation and improvements in quality of life[2]. To survive in this changing world, Africa needs to invest smartly in engaging its young generation in science and technology, as most jobs of the future will require a basic understanding of math and science.

Sadly, we face a particularly grim situation in our attempt to educate our fast growing millions of kids due to a chronic shortage of teachers across the continent. The UNESCO Institute of Statistics’ estimation of teacher shortage across the world indicates that Africa would require 19.6 million primary and secondary school teachers to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030[3]. This perhaps is where a breakthrough with GO-GA might have a significant impact on the empowerment of teachers across Africa.

Imagine the multiplier effect of successfully deploying contextually engaging digital content in STEM and training teachers across Africa to not only use the content but contribute to the development of further relevant content. GO-GA will build off the incredible resources of the GO-LAB Ecosystem which offers students rich, challenging, and socially embedded science and technology experiences that shape their science and technology knowledge together with reflective and social abilities.

The specific objectives of the project include:

a). Adaptation and localisation of the GO-LAB platform to ensure suitability in schools across Africa

b). Establishment of STEM educators network in collaboration with existing teacher training organisations across participating countries

c). Design and roll-out of teacher training programmes led by 120 master trainers in Nigeria, Kenya and Republic of Benin.

d). Introduction and pilot of digital laboratories and inquiry spaces in 60 schools across Africa.

Are We Ready?

This might sound a little ahead of its time in Africa but in recent years, governments and private organisations have been investing in ICT tools (tablets, computer labs, multimedia resources) in schools across the continent. Despite the growing availability of technology resources in schools, there remains a disconnect between resources available and impact achieved. The lack of appropriate and engaging content to stimulate learning in STEM subjects, as well as know-how on the part of teachers amongst other things can be blamed for the failure of these initiatives. GO-GA is a scientific attempt to put these resources to use for the benefits of students while contributing to the preparation of knowledge workers for the future of Africa.

Online laboratories are intriguing new platforms which when properly implemented hold immense opportunities for young people age 10–18 to acquire scientific inquiry skills and experience the culture of doing science by undertaking active guided experimentation. We are excited about this prospect and the opportunity to work with some of the best organisations in this field. CcHUB’s re:learn will provide technical leadership for GO-GA with scientific and technical contributions from:

  1. Centre for Digital Education — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL)
  2. Faculty of Behavioural Sciences — University of Twente, Netherlands
  3. NUCLIO — Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia, Portugal
  4. IMC — Information Communication Multi-media AG, Germany
  5. MITO Technology, Italy
  6. e-LIMU, Kenya
  7. eTriLabs, Republic of Benin.

“We must seek knowledge — to solve problems we know of — we must also seek knowledge when there is no problem in view” — Olufemi Taiwo. We do not need to wait until there is a computer in every classroom in Africa before empowering teachers across the continent to improve students’ learning outcomes with digital tools.

[1] Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



