What’s coming up

Training, conferences and events to expand your mind.

Health Write
Co-design in Healthcare


Time to step away from the workspace and expand your mind. Here’s what’s coming up in co-design and healthcare.


July 2015

31. What really drives co-production? New evidence, new insights, Auckland, New Zealand. ANZSOC.

August 2015

5 August–1 October. Storytelling for change, online. Acumen.

25–28. UX Australia, Brisbane, Australia. UX Australia.

26. An active one-day introduction to design thinking, Tauranga, New Zealand. Better by Design.

September 2015

9. An active one-day introduction to design thinking, Wellington, New Zealand. Better by Design.

23. Design for social innovation, Perth, Australia. Centre for Social Impact, University of Western Australia and TACSI.

23–25. APAC forum on quality improvement in healthcare, Auckland, New Zealand. APAC Forum.

October 2015

11–14. International Conference on Patient-Centred Care, Boston, MA, USA. Planetree.

19–21. User experience (UX) design, Sydney, Australia. Peak Usability.

28–30. UX New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. Optimal Workshop.

November 2015

4. Transforming patient experience, London, England. The King’s Fund.

30 November–2 December. User experience (UX) design, Melbourne, Australia. Peak Usability.

December 2015

2. An active one-day introduction to design thinking, Auckland, New Zealand. Better by Design.


April 2016

13–15. Patient Experience Conference 2016, Dallas, Texas, USA. The Beryl Institute.

May 2016

15–18. Patient Experience Summit, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Cleveland Clinic.

This page is regularly updated. If you know any great events coming up leave a note here or send me an e-mail and I’ll add it to the page.



Health Write
Co-design in Healthcare

Bite-sized reads about improving healthcare to challenge and inspire.