IQ + EQ + SQ = Full Potential

Understanding intelligence’s larger story.

Steve C


Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

This is a layman’s notion of the make-up of intelligence. The gist is that there are important components to intelligence beyond simply IQ. The combination of three factors determines our wholistic, or Integrated Intelligence: classic Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Social Intelligence (SQ), and Emotional Intelligence (EQ). With all three intelligence is dynamic, can be learned, and can be adapted as circumstances present.

My hope is that this perspective may cause you to reflect upon your own intelligence in a new way.

Usually 1 + 1 +1 = 3. However, when there is synergy the sum can be greater than the parts and 1 + 1 + 1 > 3. This is the case with intelligence. Individually three components make up intelligence. If we look at them in the context of the whole, rather than individually, we end up with a better measure of functional intelligence.

Most everyone has heard about IQ — a classic measure of one’s brainpower. It is a hard skill that to a large extent we are born with. It is one’s intellect, capacity for problem-solving, and the application of knowledge.

Many also have heard about EQ — a more recent addition to the measure of one’s intelligence. EQ is less focused on reasoning and more focused on soft skills



Steve C

This 2 Shall Pass. Maturing and Still Learning After All These Years.