Better To Be Passionate Than Polished

Gordon Fong
Co-hosted by Datacenta
2 min readMay 12, 2024
Gordon Fong standing at the Lighthouse Theatre in Poole
On stage at Poole Lighthouse Theatre

It is better to be passionate than polished.

If you, like me, are not a seasoned pro when it comes to presenting, it always takes a huge leap from your comfort zone. However, that’s how we ensure our voices are heard.

However, if there is an approach you believe in, a place that needs to be championed, you have to make your stand. That way people will notice you.

I’ve reached the stage where if I am asked to present, about something I am passionate about, I’ve told myself to say ‘Yes’ before my self-doubt kicks. I also know when to say ‘No.’ This is when it’s a subject that I don’t know too much about. People can tell when you are floundering and not in a realm of expertise.

Recently I found myself on the stage at Lighthouse Theatre, Poole, speaking to an audience at You Are The Media Creator Day. I also spoke at my local Rotary Club when they invited me to lunch and share my experience of living in Southbourne and why I champion it so. I also have a talk lined up as part of Bournemouth and Poole College’s digital careers day, though I’ve yet to determine my topic.

There was a point in life when I naively believed that merely studying Apple Keynote and watching a few Steve Jobs videos and would be me nailing presenting. However, whether compensated or not, audiences expect a level of preparation. That much I’ve learned.

No one has asked me to talk about the businesses that I am involved in. That would be uninspiring. It’s the dots and the lines that cut across all of that, to the wider business community, to my personal life, to the local communities and my supportive connections with people. That has helped to shape my narrative.

I don’t look back, I don’t dwell on past performances. I look forward to the next chance to talk as that is the only way to get better, one delivery at a time. Having done karate since 1979, I know you are forged through repetition and diligent practice.

Regardless of the story we wish to share or the change we seek to inspire, complacency is our greatest adversary. We must embrace every opportunity to move toward our goals.

A creative, a marketer and a developer walks into a bar.



Gordon Fong
Co-hosted by Datacenta

Lives in Southbourne, business locations in Bournemouth and Winfrith. Web, hosting and consultancy.