Making Work Bigger Than Ourselves

Gordon Fong
Co-hosted by Datacenta
3 min readAug 1, 2023
Gordon Fong sat in a Charlie Chaplin theme restaurant
Charlie Chaplin themed pub and restaurant in Boscombe.

When people feel a part of something, it ignites what you are invested in, but others are too.

Businesses can operate in isolation and then raise their head when they want to be seen. Alternatively, we can help raise attention to the industries we work within as a collective effort.

I am currently invested in creating videos that raise awareness of the businesses that work alongside me at the Dorset Innovation Park, or those that visit and have something interesting to share. I’ve also produced videos on the risks of high blood pressure, especially for entrepreneurs.

Marketing wisdom might say I need to intersperse my content with “top tips”, “how to”, and thought leader items amongst the posts selling the business and its wares. I could even post about client wins, success and how great we are.

We are all different and you will have your own valid opinion.

If my posts aren’t selling my business, why am I spending time selling the area and the other businesses around me? My answer. We will do well if everyone else does well.

It’s reassuring when people reach out with direct messages with genuine interest who would like to understand more of the ecosystem and maybe be part of it. We all want those pounds and dollars hitting our accounts, absolutely, but if it’s just about take, take, take, you are not contributing to the party.

That openness to partake helps create stronger connections and introductions. It will be more fun as you want to talk to people with a similar attitude. Better collaborations come from that.

It’s no secret that I believe we need more businesses to come to Dorset to create more jobs, as people and a good local economy will have to underpin our futures, and the future of healthcare, social care, and so on. Housing availability, is another issue, I know.

People eating a full English breakfast
Full English breakfast with visiting influencers

I live close to a high street, #inSouthbourne, that didn’t need marketing or PR drive as some kind of rescue package to lift it up. It all came from that openness of the businesses to work collectively, in body or in spirit. The residents definitely want to come to that party and indeed they do.

What would people prefer from me? A glossy stack of word salad with clever-than-thou dressing or a bit of the real Gordon?

We get too caught up in creating polished versions of ourselves and our businesses. There is something to be said about looking around at those who share the same space as you, marketplace and shared goals.

We can invest in ourselves and each other to create something truly worthwhile that others want to join in with.



Gordon Fong
Co-hosted by Datacenta

Lives in Southbourne, business locations in Bournemouth and Winfrith. Web, hosting and consultancy.