Why Dorset Means A Lot To Me

Gordon Fong
Co-hosted by Datacenta
5 min readOct 31, 2020
Durdle Door

We have every reason to celebrate the places we work from and live within.

The opportunity that locality presents as we make our way out of the pandemic provides hope.

Let me share why Dorset means a lot to me, perhaps this is something that you feel attached to as well:

  • The rich blend of sea, towns, hills and fields
  • Proximity and access to other cities and key places
  • There are vibrant and exciting digital, creative and marketing sectors
  • The food and drink scene is inspiring
  • There is business opportunity around the whole conurbation
  • The area is respected for its technical and engineering expertise
  • The ability to form strong business relationships and close friendships
  • A place to feel settled, at home and a part of

Where It Started

Bournemouth Beach

Within a couple of months of moving to the area, I knew this was the place I wanted to be and wouldn’t choose to leave unless it was for family issues. This is a big contrast to living in the North East. So much so that a couple of friends from there have bought holiday homes here too.

In 1996 when I first moved down it was a quiet place with fewer bars and restaurants than there are now. It has changed a lot and is still changing. It had to.

What Many People Are Privileged To Have

Dorset is a perfect mix of sea, towns and green space. We are very lucky to have such a variety within a short drive or even walking distance for some. With an increasing focus on our wellbeing and mental health, all of those aspects and access to is important to me and my staff.

I love the local food and drink scene, which is continually improving. The pandemic has shown that the economy cannot rest on hospitality and tourism alone.

When it comes to access, the proximity to London was a big factor in the early years of business. Now Covid-19 has turned a lot of that on its head, it also means we are now focusing on the local area.

The Business Side

Since December 2019, it has been a whirlwind of opportunities and undertakings. My company, Datacenta Hosting, has gone from producing some functional websites for clients and hosting services for local businesses and central government to a new phase. We are a partner in the Dorset Council and BCP Council 5G projects, and having very senior military personnel using our offices for meetings.

Moving to the Dorset Innovation Park, in Wool, was instrumental in that and although my inner critic would cringe at saying it, spending time on “personal branding” has helped open some doors as well as having people come and knock on our doors unannounced. That’s business gold right there, isn’t it?

I recognise that Dorset Innovation Park forms a T-junction between the Naval ports of Plymouth and Portsmouth, RAF Lyneham and Bulford Army camp. It is important to form links and wider connections.

Ex-military thing

Why Can Dorset Be Great For Businesses?

From a holistic perspective, Dorset will continue to present a huge potential for businesses. For instance, it provides a balance of access to London and the Midlands; a fantastic place for staff to live; and has many different sectors that are flourishing.

Gravity develops around successful businesses, which in turn draws more similar or related ventures. This has been proven within the digital, creative and marketing sectors. Not only these industries, but there is also a strong engineering and manufacturing sector with further specialisms such as marine and electronics.

Councils bear the brunt of online social commentators but I do know between Dorset and BCP Councils, along with the Dorset LEP, they are stepping forward to support business growth and present a picture that we can all be a part of.

The Security Sector is little known or talked about, maybe by the nature of their work, but with the MoD announcing the build of a Defence Innovation Centre also in the Dorset Innovation Park, this is definitely something for entrepreneurs to consider.

Why Can Dorset Be Great For All Of Us?

To me, Dorset has so much going for it that can provide business owners and team members all the elements of a rewarding work-life balance, which ultimately must be positive for the economy.

Businesses are working at every level too, not just high-end, which acts to feed through a developing workforce. For instance, I was delighted to see Bournemouth based digital agency, Appius, share on their ‘About’ page and why Bournemouth makes them a great company to work with (have a look here https://www.appius.com/about)

Can We Aspire To Be Continually Improving Dorset?

Gazing into the future

I am a firm believer that we should not mirror the likes of Bristol or Brighton.

The area has been previously classed as a sleepy county more aligned to retirement than starting new businesses. It has moved on so much further than that and there is no need to dwell or fix it.

For me, the county just needs to get on and do. Through the actions of businesses, councils, families — all the people involved, to ensure that they pass on the core messages of Dorset is a great place to live, work, raise a family and start a business to all visitors.

There’s no need to look to be a replica of other places, it has its own character.

Going With A New Flow

As the county further develops, there will be new ideas and maybe conflicting approaches coming to light. We could make a stand on our own, but another option could be to go with the new flow for a while. Our lives and work is better when we find others who are prepared to stand with us. We don’t always have to agree to get things done.

This is why we should all celebrate this region for our business, our staff and future employees, visitors and prospects. This is what makes us all feel grounded and aim to build something that has meaning for everyone. We can all grow and find momentum together. I believe this can be done and #WhyDorset has meaning for us all.



Gordon Fong
Co-hosted by Datacenta

Lives in Southbourne, business locations in Bournemouth and Winfrith. Web, hosting and consultancy.