Lana Jelenjev
Co.LAB Magazine
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2018

In a given day our mind is bombarded with countless of notifications, noise & distractions.

It can be the incessant messages you receive in your phone.

The long to-do list.

The social events.

The new ideas.

These are all vying for our time, energy, attention and causing overwhelm and distraction. In this age, whittling down to what is essential is not only a necessity, it’s a life skill. In his book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown emphasized on doing less & getting the right things done in the right way & in the right time.

It’s about intentionality in our choices.

Being an ESSENTIALIST means being able to discern between external noise & internal voice.

It is a mindset, a way of life.

To get you into this reframing we can start with something very tangible- tackling our FOMO (Fear of missing out).

What if instead of FOMO which can be overwhelming, we adopt JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)?

JOMO encourages us to embrace the pleasure of choosing what we want to do or not do, in a way that fulfills our needs & engages us. JOMO is about delight in the moment & reclaiming life from FOMO by embracing conscious choices.

Let’s shift our thinking to “saying no means saying yes to what is essential for me”.



Lana Jelenjev
Co.LAB Magazine

Author of The 90 Day Action Planner, Community Builder: Designing Communities for Change. Community Alchemist and Learning Experience Designer.