PYTHON/Virtual Environment/WINDOWS

Create Python Virtual Environment in Windows[2021]

Step by step instructions to create Python Virtual Environment in Windows

Co-Learning Lounge
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2021


Written by Yogesh Kothiya & Shouhaddo Paul

Create Virtual Environment Python in Windows 10
Virtual Environment Python in Windows

A Virtual Environment put simply, is an isolated working copy of a Python environment that allows you to work on a specific project without worrying about any dependencies issues with other projects.

Why do we need a Virtual Environment?

For example, you are working on project A which requires Python’s library A(site package) version 1.0 while another project B requires the same library A but newer version 1.3. In such situations, a virtual environment can be really useful to maintain the dependencies of both projects.

This is one of the most important tools that most Python developers use.

Click here to “Read all Medium Articles

When and where to use a virtual environment?



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