6 Movies Based on AI You Should Binge-Watch Today If You Are an AI Enthusiast [Updated List]

Experience Artificial Intelligence based reel life movies in today’s real life

Co-Learning Lounge
Published in
9 min readSep 2, 2021


Written by Jannath Fatima

Watching Sci-fi movies in our childhood was so much fun and captivating, never thought this would come into reality in this 21st century. At that time the directors were successful in turning their thoughts into reels, and now we are extremely delighted to watch it turning into reality. Here are a few movies that were released a long time ago and now we are able to see how Artificial intelligence has brought those concepts into practice.

We have listed down a few must-watch movies that are a visual treat in Artificial Intelligence with a short summary. Hope you like it, enjoy reading and binge-watching 🎬😎🍿

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