Rasa Vs Dialogflow — Detailed Comparison (For Business)

One-of-kind comparison blog

Co-Learning Lounge
Published in
11 min readAug 7, 2021


By Yogesh Kothiya

Have you ever wanted to build a virtual assistant but got lost in the abundance of available frameworks or platforms? Are you currently researching how to build a scalable Virtual Assistant for your business or enterprise requirements? You have come to the right place.

Though in this blog we will mainly cover two players, Dialogflow and Rasa, and what you need to pay attention to are the bases on which we do the comparison.

To cater to a business requirement there are several parameters involved that can make or break a product, like the choice of platform, budget, features required, time, third-party integrations, mainly scalability, and a few more.

“There has been a more than 160% increase in client interest around implementing chatbots and associated technologies in 2018 from previous years,” says Van Baker, VP Analyst at Gartner. “This increase has been driven by customer service, knowledge management, and user support.”



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