8 tips to socialise with your co-workspace neighbours.

Gagandeep Kaur
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018

Socialising with your co-workers is essential for you. It helps you and your career in multiple ways. It boosts your communication skills and helps in building trust on fellow mates. Especially in a co-working space, where you meet people from varying domains, building healthy relationship with your co-workers can be really good for the business.

It is very much desirable for all of us to come across as a impactful person. But more than frequently people over do the efforts to socialise and hence find themselves landing in awkward positions indeed.

So what does it need exactly? How can you win over your co-workers and present yourself like an intelligent co-worker?

  1. Make your presence felt — Before worrying about having a good or a bad impression you need to have an “impression” first. Have your say when asked for a suggestion. Participate in public events whenever possible. Remember the key here is to get noticed, do not overwhelm people by your presence. Avoid advising people unnecessarily.
  2. The KISS rule(Keep it simple silly) — Greet people daily whenever you come across them. A simple greeting with a cheerful face. Also when someone wants to speak to you, make yourself available. Say yes from time to time when you are invited for an outing.

3. Remember Names — More than any other word a person loves his own name. If you want to come across as a friendly person try to remember the names of people you meet every day and greet them by their names to leave a positive impression.

4. Don’t be “that” guy — Make sure you are not bothering anyone. Be careful of this, especially with the female co-workers. Nothing can be more annoying than a persuasive co-worker who simply wouldn’t take the hint and stay away.

5. The key is not overdoing — Office parties and social events can be great when you want to make friends. And it is appreciated if you try and loosen up by taking a couple of drinks. But always drink responsibly and don’t be pressured into drinking more than you can handle to just to ‘fit in’.

6. Be a good listener — Keep in mind to listen first when you are making a conversation. Not just listen, be genuinely interested in the work that your co-workers are doing. Give generous appreciation to their thinking and journey so far.

7. Gossiping about other co-workers — While the easiest way to bond with human beings is by gossiping about other co-workers or sharing the inconveniences that you are facing in the co-working space but that may not be the case in a professional environment. Keep your opinions to yourself if you want to come across as a calm and sorted person.

8. Avoid self-flattery — You might be doing a great deal of work but nobody wants to talk to a person who keep obsessing over their personal achievements. Instead, try to understand what your fellow mates are doing. Ask them questions about their work and make them feel important.



Gagandeep Kaur

An IT project/product manager by profession. A foodie at heart but a fitness freak by choice. Found new love in blogging.