4 Things I’ve Done Every Single Day Since Launching My Start-Up

Being more intentional about my daily routine has ensured structure, mindfulness and continuous learning during the early days of start-up life

Chris Suzdak
Coach Chris
4 min readJul 21, 2019


Chris Suzdak

Without the drumbeat of regular team meetings, check-ins with managers and direct reports, or a horde of customers demanding results, I anticipated that the early days of a start-up would require self-directed accountability and focus. In fact, the success of my venture depends on my ability to not procrastinate, get burned out, or lose focus.

What started as simple New Year’s resolutions have hardened into my go-to daily habits which together take less than 2 hours of my time each day. As others have written about the power of doing an activity each and every day, I have discovered for myself how consistently finding time for my daily routines, even on weekends, has provided the much-needed framework to keep myself centered as I launch my first start-up in a new country.

5 Minutes of Journaling

At the very beginning and end of the day, I take a few quick minutes to use the Five Minute Journal app. In the mornings, the app asks me to list 3 things that I’m grateful for and 3 things that I’ll do to make today great. Then, in the evenings, the app asks me to list 3 amazing things that happened that day, one thing I could have done to make it even better, and to post one picture from that day which is kept private within the app.

Even though I end up sometimes writing the same or very basic items, by asking myself to look at the day in this way, it automatically puts me in a positive and appreciative mindset. I once had a leadership coach who encouraged me to try a do-it-yourself version of this personal journaling technique in order to practice more mindfulness. But I was never able to make a consistent daily habit of it until I found this app. After 6 months of going strong, I believe it has made me both consciously and subconsciously seek out opportunities to enjoy and be thankful every day.

10 Minutes of Meditation

Each morning I use the Headspace app to meditate for 10 minutes. I usually sit outside on my balcony with a cup of coffee before heading out to work or beginning the day’s activities. I particularly enjoy the sound of birds and the wind, so I tend to look for such places if I’m not at home.

I’ve actually been using the app on a fairly consistent basis for over 2 years now, but have found daily use most helpful over the past 6 months. Finding time to not look at my phone and take some deep breaths for 10 minutes really slows things down for me in a good way. I’ve found that needing to clear my thoughts at the outset of the day helps keep my mind from being overwhelmed by a million ideas and to-do’s that arise in the face of building a start-up business from scratch.

30 Minutes of Reading

This year I’ve made sure to fit in at least 30 minutes of “reading” each day. I must admit this isn’t limited to strictly reading books, but I also count listening to audiobooks, podcasts or long-read articles not directly related to market research for work. I generally do this either during my lunch break, a long walk, my short 10-minute work driving commute, or in bed as I fall asleep.

I’ve found that devoting this time to reading gives me another outlet to focus on something non-work related without feeling guilty. Since I’m still doing something that’s building my knowledge and creativity, I don’t hesitate to pause my work to pull out a book or my headphones if I’m feeling anxious or not productive while at the office. I’ve also given myself a target of finishing 6 books per month for the entire year, which I’ve kept up with so far, and this 30-minute daily habit has helped me stay on track.

60 Minutes of Exercise

Each day I intentionally exercise for at least one hour in some form, which can include combinations within one day. At the moment, I go to 90-minute gym classes two days a week. During the other week days, I either go for a walk or jog on the beach near my apartment during the early morning or early evening. On the weekends, I plan at least one long run as part of my marathon training, and at least one fun but challenging nature hike. I use my Apple Watch to track my distance. As a side note, I also enjoy getting reminders on my watch to stand up, since I often forget to remain active during long stretches of focused computer-based work while at my office.

Exercise has helped me get into better shape in general and is needed to prepare me for my first marathon attempt. It’s also become another time to tune out work-related thoughts. Similarly, I’ve approached exercise as a way to build mental strength; going the extra mile or completing the full exercise set becomes a self-monitored test of mind over matter. This has become especially useful during stressful times building the start-up when I’m tired but need to finish a task or project without the presence of a manager there holding me accountable.

So far these 4 habits have kept me on track. As my start-up evolves, I anticipate that I’ll need to adjust which habits to keep or add to make sure I’ve achieved a healthy balance that sets me up for personal sustainability and business success.

