Introducing Heavy Mental

A coaching group to train your brain the way an athlete trains their body. App
Published in
7 min readAug 11, 2017


Here’s something that’s never been offered before: easy access to cutting edge mental training for people who like success.

For the last year, I’ve been running a cutting edge mental training program with my private coaching group. Now I’m ready to open it up a little more widely. The join link is near the bottom of this post.

The idea of the coaching group is that you should train your mind the way an athlete trains their body. To do that, I’ve put together an annual training plan built around 13 modules.

During the training, you’ll rewire your brain, build habits that optimize how you use your brain, and then put your brain to the test in two giant feats of mental strength.

I only know two other coaches who do mental training this well. One is an executive coach for hedge fund managers and the other is an NBA personal development coach. The exec coach charges $5,000 per session. The NBA coach only works with clients who can dunk.

And then there’s me — I’m a software engineer who built a tool that helped start 100 million habits, built the world’s first digital coaching certification, trained more than 1,000 coaches, and edits the most trusted personal development blog in the world, Better Humans.

This training is about you and your goals, but people always ask about me. Yes, I use these same techniques — I wake up, journal, meditate, set priorities, focus in on writing, then coaching, then email, then programming. Then I take a break for exercise, followed by reading. Every day. I get all this done because I learned the techniques of focus and productivity. Anyone can be this productive. That’s the point of the group. Your job is just to do the work.

How Elites Train Their Minds

There’s a secret trend in mental training: meditation is for winners.

Meditation allows you to gain the control you need in order to succeed.

Meditation is a critical skill in the Heavy Mental curriculum, and you’re going to learn it in a completely new way.

People are so locked into the status quo thinking that meditation is for zen, for calm, for finding your bliss. Sometimes it takes a little bit of hyperbole to stop thinking about monks when you think of meditation.

I went out and talked to investors and poker players, researched soldiers operating under fear of death, interviewed athletes, entrepreneurs, sales, and marketing experts. These people have embraced meditation as part of their mental training but have goals that are completely different than your local Zen center’s meditation class.

Winning. That’s my hyperbolic key word to get you to think differently.

I don’t care what your definition of winning is. I just want you to understand that there is a new world of mental training that can help you.

Benefits of Mental Training

As my coaching group developed these techniques, we focused around the following achievable changes:

  • Rewire your brain. Two things help. Meditation (which is an exercise) and focus (which is both an exercise and also a set of habits around preventing interruption).
  • Increase intentionality and rationality. We mostly make emotional decisions — but we can step back and plot to pre-decide, rewire emotions, lay the foundation for automatic decisions.
  • Brain health. Get some sleep, folks. You want to be at your best. Weak minds focus on quantity. Strong minds focus on quality and intensity.

Who Is This Group For?

There are a lot of other coaches in this group and what they tell me is that they share the tactics with their own clients practically every day. These are tactics for people who are serious about growth.

I’ve proved these tactics work with everyone from students to entrepreneurs, from artists to marketers. The youngest person I’ve worked with was 22. The oldest was 63. In all, the advice in this group has been tested on more than 600 people.

Here are what some of the current members are saying about the training:

“I asked Tony to help me focus for eight hours of writing. Instead he showed me how to do the same work in just two hours.”

“I want to only work thirty hours a week but get paid for sixty.”

“Kept me focused on what is most important. No one knows more about habits and coaching than Tony does.”

“I’ve reconfigured everything. My morning and evening routines. I even used the techniques to overhaul my diet and exercise. Thanks, Tony! ”

Here is the Curriculum

The curriculum is based around 13 training modules each year.

  1. Single tasking as a way of life.
  2. Meditation for awareness and control of subconscious decisions.
  3. Journaling for strategic analysis and rewiring of mental patterns.
  4. Sleep for full recovery and peak daily performance.
  5. Evening routines to set the fate for your next day.
  6. Morning routines to launch your day right.
  7. Codex (your personal book of wisdom) for high-leverage guiding principles.
  8. Setting and following priorities for maximizing daily impact.

Along the way we do two tests. I’m a big fan of reminding people that productivity is a tactic, not a goal. So we train to increase your productivity year round, but then occasionally we want to stop and make sure you use that new power.

  • Jan 1: ONE BIG CHANGE. Most people make small New Years Resolutions and then fail. You’re going to make a giant one and succeed.
  • June: Habit deletion. Pretty much the hardest challenge — you eliminate something that’s holding you back.

That’s ten named modules so far. The other three are surprise, secret experiments having to do with grit, confidence and focus.

How does it work

Here’s what you get.

  • Every four weeks we do a new module. There are 13 modules each year.
  • Each week of the module has a different focus and starts with a letter from me (think researched blog post combined with a pep talk)
  • Each week day you get a new exercise.
  • Each Tuesday, I hold office hours over video to answer your questions.
  • At the end of each module, you will be rock-solid on a set of new habits that have a direct impact on your life — things you never thought you could do for real.
  • For the BIG CHANGE module, I also schedule a one-on-one strategy session with you.

The training is set up so that you can join any time. Just jump in and start training. Any modules that you missed will come back around. BUT START NOW TO BE THE MOST EFFECTIVE VERSION OF YOURSELF AND GET THE BEST GROUP COACHING EXPERIENCE! DO NOT DELAY.

(Seriously, now is a good time to start investing in yourself.)

How Much Does It Cost?

Are you ready? It costs $20 per month. That’s a great financial deal for you — just enough that you have skin in the game.

If that’s a hardship though, send me an email with the subject line “What I will do in trade for free Strong Mind Membership.” Then fill out the body with an answer. I’m

Here is the link to join:


We will be doing the Single Tasking Training Module from August 13 to September 10th.

