Essential tips for speakers and trainers. Vol.2

How to boost effectiveness.

Katarzyna Młynarczyk
Coaching and public speaking.


By Katarzyna Młynarczyk, social media speaker/coach, CEO

Training is like social media. It’s a two-way conversation in realtime.

Effective training is not only about good impressions, opinions. Effective training isn’t about short-term satisfaction (‘Glad to know so many things!’, “Wow it’s so interesting!’). Motto of this part (Vol.2) is: “Effective training is about effect. Action not only reaction.”

When my attendees have good impression after seeing social media tools, case studies, strategies and all of numbers and KPI’s I’m determined to make them strive to introduce it. If training is effective you will see it in long-term activities, not only a good attitude, open-minded reflections. Let’s concentrate on some tricks which will help you with boosting effectiveness during training! We’re following part #4 — Your audience is your case study, so we start from #5.

#5. Keep it stupid simple.

We all know this rule. It always works. When you want your audience to understand, you have to be clear. Straight. Precise.

Problem: Today group from Jones Lang LaSalle needed to know how to distrubute specific content in social media — Presentation showing Perspectives of Retail in 2020. We need to make it visible in the most effective way on channels: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Slideshare, Google+. I hope you know that each of them has it’s own rules and community.

Solution: Take one article, piece of content from you audience subject/domain — show them exactly — live how to put it in exact words/images/hashtags

#6. Work on your audience’s case.

If only it is possible. Try to explain all of the ideas by reffering to their environment — subject/domain/branch.

When you show specification/usage of each social media tools for people from Real Estate, show how other brands and people from Real Estate are using it and tell how to do it better. Simple, right? But believe me, very often trainers and speakers try to show some ideas and possibilities, but they concentrate on tools and their views, not on the environment of their audience. Not on their perception!

#7. Practice live!

You think that when you show possibilities on slides, gaps to fill and places to check, after 2 days of training they will introduce all these things? You’re a dreamer. Let’s make your message effective, let’s have it introduced during training.

When you show how your attendees can fill their LinkedIn profile, have a short break and let them do it. When you show that their Google+ profile is not optimized for search, let them do it by following your tips.

#8. Let brain be hungry

During Christmas Eve we eat a lot, but there are so many delicious meals we want to try, that after some short breaks and ‘coach-potating’ we have a space for more. When it comes to knowledge situation is very similar — when you’re overwelmed you won’t be hungry for more.

Don’t plan breaks in advance. Observe your audience, but remember to organise short break after the most important parts of the training. When they haven’t use Facebook Ads so far, make a break after workshop.

#9. Be like chameleon.

Be flexible. Make your training vivid and dynamic.

Don’t wait for a moment you will see your audience is not paying attention to what you’re saying, is sleepy, finally frustrated. If your program is full of tools, workshops and theory, plan to use different stuff: try to draw a mindmap of social media strategy on flipchart, visualise a process of creating community on Facebook (EEIA) on piece of paper, use stick notes to point creative ideas in content strategy out, stand up and indicate the results of successfull viral campaign on Twitter.

All for today! This tips are prepared after my last training (Real Estate in social media: trends and strategy) for one of the main global companies in Real Estate Trade — Jones Lang LaSalle and other social media trainings. You can introduce it in all kinds of coaching activities.

This observations are about making your training more effective. Effects are activities, results, not reactions. Take your training to the next level.



Katarzyna Młynarczyk
Coaching and public speaking.

Experience-seeker and delighter. CEO of @Socjomania - digital consulting company and service designer of Handelek - breakfast place in #Cracow.