Dissecting Data #12: “Cookie-Cutter Consumption: Crafting Patterns for Scalability”

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readApr 16, 2024

The Art of Baking a Scalable Data Pie

Welcome to the data bakery, where we will be crafting a special, scalable and repeatable data consumption patterns, much like using a cookie cutter to produce perfect cookies every time. Just as in baking, where consistency is key to delicious outcomes, in data management, creating patterns for scalability ensures that as your data grows, your processes can grow with it — without turning your analytics kitchen into a chaotic mess.

Rolling Out the Dough: Establishing Patterns

Imagine your data as dough. Without a pattern, you might end up with a few odd-shaped cookies and a lot of wasted dough.

  • Template of Success: Just as cookie cutters provide a template for consistency, establishing clear data consumption patterns serves as a blueprint for scalability. It’s about finding the right shape for your data.
  • Automation as Your Oven: Leveraging automation in applying these patterns can be likened to popping cookies in the oven. It ensures consistent results every time, with minimal manual effort.

Avoiding the Burnt Edges: The Pitfalls of Rigidity

While consistency is crucial, too rigid a pattern can lead to its own set of problems, like a cookie-cutter approach that doesn’t allow for the uniqueness of each data set.

  • Customizable Cutters: Just like having different shapes of cookie cutters for different occasions, your data patterns should be flexible enough to adapt to varying data types and needs.
  • Taste Test: Regularly review and refine your data consumption patterns to ensure they still serve the best interests of your growing data appetite.

The Recipe for Scalable Success

In the world of data, scalability is the ingredient that turns a home-baked cookie into a bakery-worthy masterpiece.

  • Mixing the Right Ingredients: Identify the core components of your data processes that can be standardised across the board.
  • Baking to Perfection: Implement these patterns with a focus on automation and flexibility, ensuring they can be replicated efficiently as your data expands.

The Takeaway

Creating data consumption patterns for scalability is like perfecting your cookie recipe. Once you have the right formula, you can produce delicious results consistently, no matter how many batches you bake. So, grab your data flour, your automation eggs, and let’s bake a scalable data pie that everyone will want a piece of.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions