Dissecting Data #7: “Data Detective: Sherlock Holmes or Inspector Gadget?”

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readFeb 15, 2024

Welcome to the thrilling world of data detection, where every analyst dons a metaphorical deerstalker hat and magnifying glass. But the question is, are we more Sherlock Holmes — the master of deduction, or Inspector Gadget — bumbling along with an array of quirky tools?

The Sherlock Approach

Like the famed detective, some data analysts have a keen eye for detail, sifting through the minutiae to unearth hidden truths.

  • The Art of Deduction: It’s about piecing together disparate data points to form a coherent narrative. It’s less “Elementary, my dear Watson,” and more “Elementary, my dear dataset.”
  • Avoiding the Red Herrings: Data, like a crafty criminal, can be full of misdirection. A true data Sherlock knows how to stay on the scent without getting sidetracked by misleading correlations.

The Inspector Gadget Scenario

Then, there are moments when data analysis feels more like a wild ride with Inspector Gadget, armed with a plethora of tools but not always sure which button to press.

  • Tool Overload: In the age of big data, we have more tools at our disposal than ever. But sometimes, having too many gadgets can lead to analysis paralysis — or accidentally self-destructing your data.
  • Gadget to the Rescue: Despite the occasional mishap, our data gadgets (from AI algorithms to predictive models) are often the unsung heroes of our detective tales.

Data Detective’s Toolbox

To be a successful data detective, whether you lean more Holmes or Gadget:

  • Critical Thinking: Keep your wits about you. Question your data, question your methods, and even question your questioning.
  • Right Tool for the Right Job: Know your tools and use them wisely. Sometimes, a simple magnifying glass is all you need.

The Takeaway

In the enigmatic world of data, we need a bit of Holmes’ sharp intellect and a dash of Gadget’s resourcefulness. Whether we’re unravelling complex patterns or navigating technological mishaps, the life of a data detective is never dull. So, grab your hat, your magnifying glass, and perhaps a gadget or two — the game is afoot!



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions