Living in the Moment: A Mindful Approach to Cherishing Life’s Experiences

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readDec 18, 2023

In a world where our phones are practically glued to our hands, we’ve got the power to snap and share every blink, wink, and drink. But here’s a brain tickler: Are we living in the moment, or are we too busy trying to frame it in a 6-inch screen? Let’s dive into the rabbit hole of experiencing vs. capturing life.

The Downside of Being a Shutterbug

Picture this: You’re so busy trying to capture that ‘perfect’ shot, fiddling with filters and angles, that the moment just… whooshes by. It’s like trying to remember a dream while you’re still dreaming — a bit of a pickle, right?

  • Missed Connections: While you’re busy capturing the world through your lens, real moments are passing you by. It’s like being at a party and spending all your time looking at the door — you miss the fun happening right in front of you.

The Art of Being Here and Now

Being present is like being the star of your own movie instead of just the cameraperson. It’s about soaking in the sights, sounds, and yes, even the awkward silences.

  • Present Perks: Ever notice how being really ‘there’ can make you feel like a superhero, sensing every little detail? It’s like having a superpower where you can taste colors and hear smiles.

Strategies for Dodging the Digital Trap

Becoming a moment-living ninja isn’t just about ditching your phone. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you can enjoy life’s orchestra with all your senses.

  • Mindful Mantras: Try mindfulness; it’s like giving your brain a spa day. A bit of meditation, some yoga, or just breathing like you actually remember how to breathe can do wonders.
  • Techie Time-Outs: Set some ground rules with your gadgets. It’s like telling your phone, “We need to take a break, it’s not you, it’s me.”
  • Sensory Supercharge: Engage your senses. Next time you’re outside, try listening to the leaves, or watching people instead of screens. It’s like being in a live movie where you’re the director.

Conclusion: The Real Picture

So, are we missing life’s magic by trying to bottle it up in our digital diaries? Maybe. But hey, it’s not about going full hermit and shunning technology. It’s about finding that harmony where you can snap a pic or two, but still dance in the moment.

It’s about embracing life — not just through a lens, but with all your senses, heart, and soul. Remember, the best memories are often those that are felt, not just photographed.

Let’s make a pact to live a little more and click a little less. Who knows, you might just find that the world is pretty awesome when seen through the eyes, not just the screen.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions