Predictability in an unpredictable world

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readApr 24, 2024

The Illusion of Control

In organisational operations, there’s an ongoing drama where companies obsessively script every step of their strategic play, hoping to choreograph the future down to the last detail. This narrative is especially poignant in a world that respects neither schedules nor meticulous plans. It’s like planning a picnic with the expectation of sunny weather, only to be greeted by an unforecasted storm. The truth is, in our complex and ever-changing environment, the pursuit of predictability often leads us on a wild goose chase.

The Planning Paradox

The more we attempt to nail down every aspect of a project, the more we’re setting ourselves up for a surprise. Agile and Scrum methodologies, hailed for their flexibility, are not immune to falling into this over-planning pitfall. We plot and chart our course with the belief that we can foresee every twist and turn, only to find that the problem we were solving has morphed by the mere act of our engagement. It’s akin to trying to map the sea: by the time the ink dries, the currents have shifted.

Embracing Fluidity Over Rigidity

The key to navigating this unpredictable world isn’t found in the precision of our plans, but in our ability to adapt and respond. True agility is about setting a course with the understanding that detours aren’t just possible; they’re probable.

  • Goals as Lighthouses: Keep the end objective in sight, but allow the path to remain fluid. It’s like sailing toward a lighthouse, adjusting your course as the wind changes, not tethered to a single route.
  • Planning for Change, Not Against It: Instead of detailed roadmaps, sketch out adaptable strategies. Think of it as planning a journey with multiple potential stops along the way, rather than a direct flight. Focus on the outcomes you want and not the defined path you believe gets you there.

The Agility to Pivot

True agility is recognising that the best-laid plans often go awry, and that’s okay. It’s not about abandoning planning but redefining our relationship with it. Embrace the goal, keep the destination in sight, and let the journey unfold with all its unexpected adventures. It’s about being light on your feet, ready to pivot at a moment’s notice while keeping your eyes on the prize.

The Takeaway

In the quest for predictability in an unpredictable world, let’s not lose sight of the forest for the trees. By focusing on the destination and not being overly prescriptive about the journey, we foster an environment where true agility thrives. After all, the beauty of the journey lies in its surprises, not its predictability.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions