Reflection #1: Focus on meaningful change, not Buzzwords

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
3 min readSep 5, 2023

This is the first post in a series of posts that I will be doing on #reflections, where I take the time to rest and digest my previous experiences and reflect on key things that pop up for me. Enjoy the ride and get involved in the conversations to share what comes up for you as you read these 🙏

In a world filled with buzzwords and catchphrases, getting lost in the sea of trendy jargon is easy. But let’s face it, folks, real change doesn’t happen just by sprinkling buzzwords into our conversations like confetti at a party. It’s time to cut through the fluff and focus on what really matters: meaningful change.

So, grab your thinking caps and let’s reflect on how we can ditch the buzzword bingo and make a true impact. Here are some tips:

  • Buzzwords: The Fast Food of Change — We all love a quick fix, but relying on buzzwords is like eating a drive-thru burger for dinner every night. It might give you temporary satisfaction, but it won’t nourish your soul or bring about lasting change. So, instead of chasing the latest buzz, let’s dig deeper and focus on what truly drives meaningful transformation.

Questions: What specific actions can I take to drive real change in my organization? How can I communicate the importance of substance over buzzwords to my colleagues?

  • Buzzword Bloopers — Picture this: a room full of people throwing around buzzwords like they’re playing catch with a hot potato. It’s like a comedy show waiting to happen. But let’s not be the stars of that show. Instead, let’s be mindful of the words we use and ensure they have substance and meaning behind them. Otherwise, we’re just creating buzzword soup that no one wants to swallow.

Tips: Be intentional with your language and use words that clearly convey your message. Avoid buzzwords and opt for straightforward, authentic communication. Take a moment to reflect on the meaning behind the words you use and consider if they truly align with your values and intentions.

  • Buzzwords Anonymous — “Hi, my name is Bob, and I used to be addicted to buzzwords.” It’s time for an intervention, folks. Let’s gather in a circle and share our experiences with buzzword addiction. Together, we can support each other in breaking free from the buzzword trap and focus on what truly matters: actions that drive meaningful change.

Questions: How can I create a supportive environment where we encourage honest and authentic communication without relying on buzzwords? What strategies can I use to hold myself accountable for avoiding buzzwords in my own language?

  • The Buzzword Olympics — Imagine a world where we compete in the Buzzword Olympics, striving to outdo each other with the most convoluted jargon. It might be entertaining, but it won’t get us any closer to real progress. So, let’s step off the buzzword podium and focus on clear, concise, and authentic communication that resonates with others.

Tips: Practice active listening and pay attention to how others communicate. Look for opportunities to simplify complex ideas and concepts without losing their essence. Encourage open and honest conversations that prioritize understanding and collaboration rather than impressing others with buzzword prowess.

  • Beyond Buzzwords — It’s time to move beyond the buzz and get down to business. Instead of fixating on the latest trendy terms, let’s embrace timeless principles and practices that have stood the test of time. Genuine connection, empathy, collaboration, and continuous learning are the superheroes of meaningful change. So, let’s suit up and let them lead the way.

Questions: How can I foster a culture of genuine connection and collaboration within my team or organization? How can I encourage a growth mindset that prioritizes continuous learning and improvement over the allure of buzzwords?

In conclusion, my fellow buzzword survivors, let’s break free from the shackles of trendy jargon and focus on what truly matters: meaningful change. By ditching the buzzwords, embracing authenticity, and taking action that aligns with our values, we can make a real impact in our lives and organizations. So, let’s leave the buzz behind and pave the way for change that is substantial, enduring, and yes, even a little bit funny.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions