Reflection #11: Timing Talent: The Art of Strategic Hiring

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readMar 26, 2024

The Precarious Balance of Talent Acquisition

In the tapestry of building a robust team, timing isn’t just a factor — it’s the foundation. Hiring talent before laying the groundwork for their success is like inviting an orchestra to perform without a stage, instruments, or even a score. It leads to disillusionment, rapid turnover, and a tarnished reputation in the professional community. This reflection delves into the art of strategic hiring, emphasising how critical timing is in acquiring new talent.

The Pitfalls of Premature Hiring

Imagine, for a moment, attracting a virtuoso violinist to your ensemble, only to realize you lack the bows they require. The discordance between talent acquisition and operational readiness can lead to frustration, underutilisation of skills, and ultimately, the departure of disillusioned talent. Even worse, the word spreads; in the tightly knit communities where top professionals mingle, a bad reputation can precede your next hiring campaign, turning potential virtuosos away before they even audition.

Laying the Foundation for Success

Before sending out the call for new team members, it’s paramount to ensure the stage is set for their arrival. This means having the right tools, processes, and support structures. But what does this talent require for a harmonious performance?

  • Tools & Technology: Ensure the latest tools and technologies are at their fingertips.
  • Culture & Collaboration: Foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.
  • Growth Opportunities: Outline clear paths for professional development.

Consulting the Talent: Inclusion in the Hiring Process

A critical yet often overlooked aspect of strategic hiring is involving potential hires in the conversation about what they need to succeed. It’s like asking a violinist what piece they’d love to perform; it ensures they have a personal stake in the symphony’s success from day one. Inquiring during the hiring process about their needs not only shows respect for their expertise but also provides invaluable insights into how best to integrate and empower them.

The Takeaway

Strategic hiring is more than just filling seats; it’s about ensuring each new talent can hit the ground running and contribute to the team’s symphony. By carefully timing your talent acquisition to align with your organisational readiness, you can avoid the chaos of premature hiring, foster a culture of success, and maintain a stellar reputation among the professionals who matter most.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions