Reflection #6: Meaning Making over following and taking

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readDec 13, 2023

Ever felt like you’re just a hamster in the corporate wheel, mindlessly following and taking orders? It’s time to jump off that wheel and start creating meaning in what we do! Let’s turn the hamster wheel into a rollercoaster of purposeful action.

The Hamster Wheel of Mindless Following

Just going through the motions? That’s like being on autopilot in a car that’s going nowhere fast.

  • Rethink the Routine: Instead of just ticking boxes, ask yourself, “What am I really achieving here?” It’s like realizing you’ve been running on a treadmill when you could be exploring the great outdoors.

Beyond Taking: The Art of Contributing

Taking orders is easy; contributing meaningfully is where the real magic happens.

  • From Order-Taker to Meaning-Maker: Transform your role from just doing tasks to adding value. Think of it as upgrading from a background dancer to a lead performer in your workplace’s Broadway show.

Crafting Meaning in the Mundane

Even the most mundane tasks can be meaningful. It’s like finding hidden treasure in your backyard — you just need to know where to look.

  • Find the Treasure: Turn everyday tasks into opportunities for growth and impact. Imagine turning a routine team meeting into a brainstorming session for innovative ideas.

Building Bridges, Not Just Following Paths

Why follow a path when you can build a bridge? It’s about creating connections and forging new ways forward.

  • Bridge-Building 101: Look for ways to connect different parts of your work to create new opportunities. It’s like connecting the dots in a constellation to see the bigger picture.

Meaningful Actions: The Ripple Effect

Every action you take can create ripples of impact. Make sure they’re ripples of positivity and growth.

  • Create Positive Ripples: Think of each task as a chance to positively influence others. Like a chef adding their special twist to a recipe, add your unique touch to your work.

In conclusion, let’s ditch the hamster wheel of mindless following and taking. It’s time to craft meaning in our actions and turn our everyday tasks into opportunities for impact and growth. Remember, in the grand story of your career, you’re the author, not just a character!



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions