Reflection #7: Transforming Teams with Authentic Influence

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readJan 9, 2024

Think of leadership not as a series of tasks, but as an art form. Much like a chef doesn’t just follow recipes but adds their unique flair, effective leadership is about infusing every action with inspiration and setting the tone for success.

The Essence of True Leadership

True leadership is akin to being the captain of a ship rather than just shouting orders through a megaphone. It’s about guiding, illuminating the path, and being the heartbeat of your team.

Inspiring, Not Dictating:

  • Example: Envision yourself as a coach rather than a referee. Your role is to motivate, not just to enforce rules.
  • Tip: Personal stories of challenges and triumphs can be as flavorful as spices in a bland recipe.

Setting the Tone, Not Just the Rules:

  • Example: Be the DJ of your office. Your attitude sets the rhythm for the day.
  • Tip: Lead with praise and follow cautiously with criticism.

Cultivating a Culture of Leadership

Cultivating a culture of leadership is like tending a garden, where each individual’s strengths are nurtured to create a flourishing ecosystem.

Empowering Others to Lead:

  • Example: Think of delegation as a relay race where you’re passing the baton, not dodging responsibility.
  • Tip: Offer feedback that helps ideas grow, not a deluge that overwhelms

Creating a Shared Vision:

  • Example: Building a shared vision is like assembling a mosaic, where every idea contributes to a grand design.
  • Tip: Encourage brainstorming as a communal feast of ideas.

From Mindless Following to Purposeful Action

Shifting from routine autopilot to deliberate action turns everyday tasks into chances for personal growth and innovative breakthroughs.

Challenging the Status Quo:

  • Example: Approach routines with a child-like curiosity, always asking, “Why?”
  • Tip: Welcome new ideas like plot twists in an engaging story.

Building a Community of Innovators:

  • Example: Celebrate new ideas as if they were fireworks, illuminating the sky with creativity.
  • Tip: Promote a culture of experimentation, where trial and error is not just accepted but encouraged.


Being a leader is like being a maestro of an orchestra. It’s not about playing every instrument but orchestrating a symphony of talents and personalities. Your role is to encourage, inspire, and lead by example. Transform the routine into a playground of innovation, and watch as your team reaches new heights of success.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions