Reflection #8: The Conundrum with Community Building

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
2 min readJan 16, 2024

Community building often feels like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube — complex and multifaceted, yet immensely satisfying when done right. In this article, we’ll explore the intricate dance of building a community that’s both inclusive and effective.

The Puzzle of Inclusivity

Crafting a Welcoming Environment

Creating a community is like hosting a global dinner party. The challenge? Ensuring everyone feels welcome, valued, and heard.

Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Example: Imagine your community as a tapestry. Each thread, no matter how different, adds strength and beauty.
  • Tip: Actively seek diverse perspectives. It’s like adding new flavors to a well-loved recipe.

Fostering Open Communication:

  • Example: Think of your community as a roundtable, where every voice is equally important.
  • Tip: Implement regular open forums — they’re like town hall meetings for shared ideas and concerns.

The Dynamics of Engagement

Keeping the Momentum Going

Maintaining engagement in a community is like keeping a campfire burning — it requires constant attention and fueling.

Encouraging Active Participation:

  • Example: It’s like a potluck; everyone brings something to the table, making the gathering richer.
  • Tip: Create roles or tasks for members to encourage ownership and involvement.

Creating Value for Members:

  • Example: Offer unique experiences or knowledge, like hidden gems in a treasure hunt.
  • Tip: Regularly ask for feedback — it’s like using a compass to ensure you’re heading in the right direction.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Navigating the Tricky Waters

Every community faces its storms. Like a seasoned captain, know how to steer through these challenges.

Dealing with Conflict:

  • Example: Address conflicts like a mediator, not a judge. It’s more about understanding than ruling.
  • Tip: Establish clear, fair conflict resolution protocols — think of them as lifebuoys in rough seas.

Sustaining Growth and Relevance:

  • Example: Adapt and evolve like a chameleon, blending new ideas with the core values of your community.
  • Tip: Stay current and flexible. It’s like being a DJ who knows exactly which song to play next.


Building a community is a delicate balance between leading and listening, giving and receiving, guiding and following. It’s a journey filled with learning and growth, not just for the community but for you as a leader. Embrace the conundrum, and watch as your community transforms into a vibrant, dynamic collective.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions